|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Friday, May 15, 2009

IndIe BanD + mUsiC + TaLenT + r*****..??

WoOo....ok then, im not being so prejudice + -Ve towards all the indie band, here in Malaysia...as for Myself, ma Opinion and Ma thInkin...i tak la so~called oBseSsed towards these kind of muSic...bukan tak nak SokOng induStri Malaysia ni, but it just the MusiC Sometime [not all of'em..] did'nt suit me well....haila....what to do..? mY soUL don't belong to these kind of stuff.....huhuh...

But Anyway
cRedit to thoSe
wHo manage to bringing uP the IndiE muSic as thEy are
NOW CoQuering tHe inDustry
[part of'em la...not most of em]...e.g.
MUH, HUJAN, OAG, THE COUPLE, LOVE ME BUTCH, BITTERSWEET, BUNKFACE, ONE BUCK SHORT, and mY fAverEt ever would be THE BUTTERFINGERS...eheee...but hey, mosT mALaysian alReady can accept these kind of Music, are't they...?? hehehe..mE...?? bukan tak leh masuk lansung, but there are certain sOng will do...

AND, artiSt themselve have to Show good attitude + performance + Good TalenT + energy & dEsire = the OutcomE....???hey, album pun Laku maa....hahaha..naahh, koRang pun buleh pkir sendiri kan..?? eheee....but the truth is, "...LocAl muSic ain't that bad..."

As fOr me...layan jugak...as stated above, The Butterfingers's songs soothing my ears damn Well...eXpecialy and the mOst and No oThers ~ The ChemiStry ~....hailaaa.. this song realy penetrating my heart and souL damn weLL...! nICe...~~!!! Love the mUsic, the guitar strumming, the tonality, the bAss...o'll of em...mAn..!! enough said.....im off ....huhuh.....

tapI sekArang ni, im intO ~YUNA~, the female Idie artist + student + cOOLesT + seMpoi + sLumber + pandai mAin gItar + cOOLest Song = IMPRESSIVE.. eheee.....sWonok Gak dgr lagu Yuna ni...coz she is female indie artist, so most of her song suit me well....hahahah...hey, only girls know....

p/: eheem, ChocolateMan la yang paling suke bab2 Indie Band ni..hailaaa...me la jadi mangsa utk download + supply those songs to him..heheh...ape ade hal..??! Layan kan aje....

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