|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Thursday, May 21, 2009

:: 08.30 am untill 12.50 pm..penantian satu siksa..::

12.50 tengahari....baru lah Internet kt ofis ni boleh di 'akses' dengan jaya nya...Credit to those who tryin' to think damn hard how to solve the prob...because its none of my business..hahahah....

and LUckily ...i manage to 'akses' intarnet nih...nape..?? sbb nye adalah.. :

~ ianya free

~ianya free

~ianya free

dey...bape byk free daa....anyway anyhow, it was'nt FREE tu yang i dok hadap kan...but the environment kat ofis ni that needed me to have an Internet...

sebab hari ini jiwa terasa sangat terusik..tersentap..tersentuh..terkacau..tergulana...tersuging...terkhayal...
dan bermacam macam "ter..." lagik yang boleh menyebabkan esofagus tu membengkak sbb menahan kesebakan tangis dalam hati....waaa.........

and the rest was a history ~~........

p/s : if this situation will stay longer than i ever get through....then..im off.....enough said.....

1 comment:

mr.abdul said...

tanpa internet susah nak buat kerja..semuanya susah tanpa internet