|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Monday, May 18, 2009

:: he is making me pissed off...s***..! ::

May 17,2009
Cik Kuna : hello...emm, tgh watpe?
ChocolateMan : hello..umm, tgk tb nih...
Cik Kuna : oo..dh mkn ke? sihat ke? bla ...bla...bla...
ChocolateMan : emm, da..mkn nasi, dh ..bla...
[silent....it's silent....]
Cik Kuna : emm, * wat per tu ..? tgk cite ape..??
ChocolateMan : smallville....
[silent again....hmm....... (0~o).........]
Cik Kuna : Ala...* nape..? owg call ni kan..senyap je....
ChocolateMan : Dah tu, tak payah la call...banyak bunyi plak...
[what...!!???? What The F*** is he saying to me...????!!!.....]
Cik Kuna : ..????
[Cik Kuna pressing the end call button]
and what i went throuhg that time...i was like...owhkay, you say it out...you just said that..and im so damn pissed off!!! and what am i thnkin' was, 'I WANNA KILL YOU....AND YOU GONNA DIE...!!!!...Damn..!!
pissed off/note : and im used to be .....TO GET USED TO IT...like these kind of situation.......hmm...silence is killing me softly.....

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