|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"..Happy Viewing.."

Happy viewing....this quote is for myself, as i am viewing the blogs....my frenz..Cik Mawar..hik hik hik...Cik Mawar, tenkiu sesangat coz sudi meletakkan pic my dress tuh....ngeee..terharu coz she told that she worked very hard to finish the "so~called needlework tu"...waa..im so impressed that she manage to finish it..! glamour jgk la my dress tu, and im very satisfied...

well, mmg i dah start to hire her mom to do the dress~work..and for her, i gave my 'creditworthy' utk jahit manik as an acecories+glamourous look...ahakss...[i loved being glamour...*wink*]...and the result would be as below...the rest, boleh la tgk kat blog Cik Mawar...ehee...

To Cik Mawar...thank you coz sudi menyiapkan baju shaye tuh...and shaye shangat la suke baju yg dah siap di jahit tu....i dress to impressed, and credit to her.....bravooo....hooraaayyy...!

p/s : cik mawar, tunggu lah tempahan berikut nye...hik hik hik....la la la...=P


Cik Mawar said...

hehehehe miss kakuna nie...jgn muji2 sangat kombang den nie ha..kang habis pocah baju2...hahaha.. mekasih.. atas segalo tempahan selamo nie..dapat den tamboh rezeki..kekeke. hantor2 jgn tak hantor...kekeke

Luzra said...

wah baju baru seyh....
ari ni pakai baju baru la.... kwangkwangkwang......
mst kebaya kan????