|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

hikayat 91 - All The Right Moves,All The Right Friends,All The Right Places...

"...Wei,jangan lupe ye. You'll be my best gurl on my day..."

A short message from Cik Oyah. WAaahh..! Another 2 weeks to go to her day. What a life..! ~

Hell yeah,she had proposed me to be her best gurl on 9th and 10th of January. And kebetulan pulak,my department buat Family Day on that same day. So, with all of my heart, I sacrified to attend her wedding and being her best girl,instead of that~damn~family~day which is im one of the AJK to kutip duit..! And oww,i even dont give a damn bout' it..! Nahhh....!

This morning, i've received her card via mail. Beautiful! Simple but nice..! Oww im so damn envy! WAaa...Nak nangis pun ye, coz my best friend ever gonna change her status from Single to MArried! DAmn! Lucky you Azie. May you live happily ever after..!

[white and pink! What a combination..! Lurve it..!]

Hah.Telah ku warning laki beliau dengan amaran "..Wei,ko jangan tak bagi aku jumpe azie plak lepas ni. Memang aku dekel kepala ko kang..Wahahaha..!". Dan beliau menjawab "..Eh,ape pulak tak bagi. Aku nanti kalau boleh nak ko join kitorang sekali..!Ahahah...".

Bongok! Kukk! Kukk! Nah,amik aku dekel kepala ko Sudin..!

Then Cik Oyah said to standby gold and pink+white clothes for the ceremony. Where the hell am I going to find it? Gaji dah surut beb..! But anyway anyhow, I'll make up her day on that beautiful moment!

p/s: aku akan buat satu entry khas untuk aku dan beliau tentang kisahkisah kitorang sepanjang perkenalan kitorang and sempena hari bahagia beliau nanti. damn im excited..!!

Cik Kuna Kunang : Wohooo..Nak pegi carik baju pulak ni..!


oranglidi said...

lu bila nak kawin jangan wat x kenal wa plak. hehehehe

kAkUnA_tHe KeLip KeLiP said...

oranglidi - malas ar wa nk cakap...sbb tade calon lg! hahhaha..lu pun jgn lupe,wa tringin makan nsik mnyak lu..

wei,diorg ckp lu lawak nak mampus! hahahaha....

wa gelak guling2 dlm ofis baca entry lu ngan diorang...

smpai skang wa gelak je..hehehe

Anonymous said...

mesti ko cute masa hari tu nanti