|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"..budak nemok in da house..woohoo..."

June 4th, 2009
Shah Alam
twitt twitt..(ringtone message aku. Lil John - Get Low..hahaha)
Sender : My Along celcom
"..dekni, cane?jadi balik tak?kite beli kek utk mak ek.lagipun sume ade esok.."
Recipient : Cik Kuna
"..ok,boleh je.abg cik pun balik jgk.esok jumpe.."
[sending messages]
Sender : Cik Kuna
"..abg cik, ko jadi balik tak esok?naek ape?jumpe kat umh.."
tutt..(err,taktau la adik aku ni pakai ringtone ape..50cent - in da club asenye..)
Recipient : My Bro celcom
"..jadi je,blik esok nek moto.roger, jmpe kat umah.."
[tu la laki,bls msg pun camtu je.tade pun nk cakap windu2 kt akak die yg shumel ni..wakakak..]


emm...last weekend...tak mau cite banyak..and i really spent my whole~lovely kinda time at ma house..kampung forever! yikess...!eheee..and as being promised by my sista and brotha, we all gathered together.plus my auntie and their lovely adorable son, mohd aziq fitri.he's the youngest, the cutest, the coolest, and adorably nearly can't take my eyes off him.such a cute baby!woohoo..i called him budak nemok,coz he's chubby,and his eyes,yah..as i said,can't take my eyes of him.hua hua..

and apparently, since all my siblings had gathered together, my along and i had planned well to celebrate my mum's coming birthday. (it's on 30th June actually).we make it earlier so that everybody can gather and nobody going to miss it.well,bile sume dh keje,jauh2 pulak tu,bese la..cuti susah nk dpt.and this time, i've took 2days leave! eheee..envy me coz i had the most sporting boss ever!

(ma mum looks so happy..ehee..always be mum! coz i luv u!)

and again,this is the budak nemok i was talking bout.kalau bab posing @ bergambar,mmg die suke!tergedik~gedik je..huhu.anyway anyhow,he is damn adorable!

(mase tgh tunggu bus on my way home to KL..rase nk bawak pulang Sh Alam jek! ngee..)

the day ended at Shah Alam,where my house are on 8.30pm.sangat letih,naik bus,turun bus.damn!luckily jalan tak jam je,kalau tak,pukul brape smpai umah tak tau la.hailaa ~~...

and the rest was a history..(^-^)...~~

notes: hmm..sbenarnye hati ni masih kt kampung lagi..huaaa....

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