|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

hikayat 147 - I know me damn well..

Yes,i admit. I'm good in writing, not in talking. I talk bad,sometime when i have to talk bad. Well, not that bad but it might hurts once i talk,thats why i remain silence.

Silent? Syhh,no words. I believe in it!!


hikayat 146 - Sekian lama...

Instead of duduk saje-saje,baru teringat kat blog ni. Dah lame tinggal macam terus takde ape-ape. Ntah,bile tengok orang lain happy,aku pun nak happy. Bile tengok orang lain berjaya,aku pun nak berjaya,bila tengok orang lain sedih,aku macam dapat rasa ape yang diorang lalui.


That's the word that suit me well. I knew that.
Good bye happy day ~
Good bye lover ~
And good day may comes,as i wish.

Saya sangat jeles skang ni...~!!!
Sebab saya rasa macam saya tak dapat ape yang orang lain dapat.... ;(


Thursday, August 12, 2010

hikayat 145 - I Know That I Have To...

Forget all those things,happened behind, indeed.. I know i have to move on with my life instead of mourning remembering what had just happened past. I know i have to be strong and strugle to make my day as cheerful as i used to be, indeed. And i know i have to be Me, the real me which i was left behind the develish day. I know i have to..

But those peoples who are'nt in my shoes,i said please.. Dont act like you're sort of ms~caring~fu****g~understand what i've faced and trying to solve it like its your fucking problem. Hey, mind your own man. Dont think that you're in 'comfy zone' whereas your boy are flirting around like you used to his b***h. Oh,soryy..my mistake~!

And oh,i dont mind peoples business. I mind my own business..;). Hush.~~? (~_<)

note : its hard to explain. its hurt in every words.


Hikayat 144 - * Selamat Berpuasa~

"Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak". Semoga mendapat keberkatan di bulan yang mulia ini. Lipatgandakan ibadah secara luar biasa..;)

p/s: Pesanan ringkas lg padat. Sbb dah lame tak apdet. Hati masih lg tak berapa nak tenang, Jiwa kosong. ;)

note : 11 Ogos 2010 ; pastinya berbeza sama sekali dengan 11 Ogos 2009. ;(. Itu adalah kenangan sampai mati~!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

hikayat 143 - Alah..Berdalih Pulak Beliau..


27 Julai 2010

hari ni masuk kerja dengan perasaan yang libang libu bak kata pepatah. ape yang libang,ape yang libu pun tak tau lah. tak tau nak start keje mane satu dulu. baeklah,buat filing dulu,pastu wat surat ni,then wat data entry bla bla bla [bajet banyak keje je].....


Eh,dah pukul-anjing-sampai-mati..Dah pukul 12.30. tak sedar masa berlalu. yelah,buat-buat bz memang la konon. padahal banyak selak-selak kertas je. baeklah,nak tanye member mereka out tak lunch ni.


kecewa. sebab diorang tak kuar. so, dial la 1-300- McDelivery. Pehh..lunch dengan McD. baru la Amerika~! bongops~! tak sedar banyak kalori nih.


Dah petang. Balik lah...


Tipikal nye keje aku. Setiap hari ni la yang aku hadap. Borimm..?? Memang pun~! Boleh tahan jugak mainan kehidupan..~!

Tapi hari ni kan,kamu datang dan explain segala bagai kat aku. Aku..? Ade aku kesah..? Nope~! Sebab hati ni dah tawar. untuk kamu yang lagi sorang, heh..~ you got served lahh..Permata depan mata,kamu pilih yang kaca dah nak retak buat ape. kan..? So not that gentleman lahh....~~!! pfftt...


hikayat 142 - Keep On Living The Way We Are..~~

Bila kita dah percayakan seseorang tu,ape yang kita harapkan tentulah yang baik-baik sahaja. Let say,kalau korang percaya kat member korang and lebih precise lagi adala colleuge korang,everything shared together,here and there,go for a lunch,dinner, laughing all the way at the office,i meant togehter but at the end beliau telah tembak kita dari belakang sebenarnya. Sakit~! Urghh....~~

Tapi ape yang perlu korang lakukan..? Macam aku,sorry to say that sometimes i could'nt hide my emo. Kalau dah runtuh sudah kepercayaan tu,memang akan ter show off jugak la kite nye rasa tak suke tuh. Yet, boleh pulak mereka terasa dan merasa macam ade yang tak kena. Walah,terbaik lakonan kan...? Hahaha..

Aku..? Keep on living,the way i am..Because,i was just realize that the person yang aku rase macam masuk 'kepala sangat' ni adelah orang yang aku baru kenal 3 bulan..~~!! Lagi sakit~!

Camne la kepercayaan tu boleh terbina dan runtuh dengan cepatnya.. Haih...~ *sigh*


Friday, July 23, 2010

hikayat 141 - Drama Swasta La La La... Hee...

It ain't easy,to pleased everyone. Indeed. Hati orang kita kene jaga, tapi hati kita? Hari-hari makan hati je. Mak aku cakap tak elok makan organ dalaman ni banyak-banyak,benak..! Tapi, kalau makan hati sendiri,lain citer.

Ni la jadiknye kalau dah benak sangat, buat salah pun tak nak mengaku. Hipokrit betol~!

"..Beb,seriously aku memang nak cari keje lain~! Bukan tak best keje kat sini, tapi nak berdepan dengan orang yang penuh drama ni,ya ampun...aku rase nak muntah dan-dan tu jugak~!.."

Aku mesej Smart. Beliau amat memahami. Hahahaa..Asik jadi mangsa untuk aku luahkan masalah,kesian beliau.

Kepada kamu dan kamu jugak yang suke nak berdrama kat depan aku, sory. Aku bukan la peminat drama swasta nih..Belajar lah untuk jujur dan setia. Bukan kene bayar pon,kan..? Kalau tu pun tak mampu jugak tak tau lah....


Thursday, July 22, 2010

hikayat 140 - And Finally...

2 bulan lepas...

"..Hahaha...hidup ni memang camni kan.."
"...Ye lah,dah tu nak buat camne.."
"..Wei,aku sunyi nih..sobb..sobb."
"...Beb,jom lepak~!!..."
"...Eh,arini bos takde la..Heheheh.."
"...Adehhh..Busy betol hari ni,nak mencekik pun senang..Huh,sabor.sabor..."
"..Weh,boring nih.Jom wat keje giler~!! Hiarkhhh..!!..."
"..Beb,ape yang berlaku ade hikmahnye.Ko kene abar sabar tau.."
"...Mak,orang balik kampung minggu ni...~!!.."
"..Kak Long,ko wat per tu..?.."
"..Jom g Showdown,aku dapat tiket free nih...~~!! (^-^).."
"..Aku suke kat beliau nih.Tapi segan la nak cakap.."
"..Ish,lambat nye gaji..Urghhh...~~!!!..."
"..Owh,kenape? Er,u suke kat die eh..Oh..i see...;(..."

22 Julai 2010..
10.00 pagi

Hari ni bas lambat lagi~! Cis~ Bukan,aku lambat lagi.Untuk kali yang keberapa pun tak tau.Hahaha..Oke la,bos pun takde moody.Aku je kowt yang moody. Bos pun mungkin tak amik port sangat. Beliau pun nampak exhausted,baru balik outstation.

Well,life does matters..~! That is the fact of life is. Tapi aku bukanlah seorang yang akan menyerah jugak. Setiap yang berlaku,ade hikmah nye. Sangat bersar hikmahnya kalau kita bersabar dan istighfar banyak-banyak..

Sungguh, tak mudah nak lupakan ape yang dah berlaku semalam,kelmarin dan hari-hari sebelumnya. Cukup susah..~! Tapi itu ujian yang Allah dah bagi kepada aku, untuk aku lebih kuat.

Kat atas tulah aku clarified sikit ape yang dah terjadi sepanjang 2 bulan lepas. [semasa blog ini bercuti..ekekeke...;p]. A lots of thing happened actually. I meanT, A LOT. Tapi tak jugak aku nafikan, hati dan perasaan memang ade terlibat. Haih,susahnye....~~! Dan apelah hidup ini kalau tak susah,kan..?

And yet,indeed life does matters. Even sejauh mane kita lari,masalah tetap masalah,life tetap life. Tak boleh nak lari dengan semua tu. Jadi, bersabarlah...Akan ada sinar di depan,dan itu yang aku harapkan..~ Amin..!

kakuna ;)

Friday, May 14, 2010

hikayat 139 - Berat..!

Salam and howdy to all bloggers,

Pagi-pagi lagi kepala dah rasa lain macam. Biasanya 'tetamu' yang tak di undang ni selalu datang suka-suka beliau. Beliau ingat kita suka kat beliau,dah kata tak di undang,nak jugak datang. Ape,beliau ingat aku mampu ke nak tadah je..? Tak larat betul. Rasa macam nak pecah kepala ni..

Kepada Incek Migrain, arini saya tade mood nak melayan kamu. Kamu syuhh jauh jauh buleh? 2 minggu lepas kamu dah datang,seksa saya taw. Semingu duduk dalam kepala ni,buat perangai macam pesen ape ntah..Pegi la buat keje yang ade pekdah sket. Bercucuk tanam ke, mengembala ke..Hah,arini hari jumaat,pegi la sembahyang Jumaat...!

note : Bekalan dadah dah abis nih...sobb..sobb..;(..Mak...


hikayat 138 - Fesbuk Lagi!

Using a Weak Password

Avoid simple names or words you can find in a dictionary, even with numbers tacked on the end. Instead, mix upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. A password should have at least eight characters. One good technique is to insert numbers or symbols in the middle of a word, such as this variant on the word "houses": hO27usEs!

Leaving Your Full Birth Date in Your Profile

It's an ideal target for identity thieves, who could use it to obtain more information about you and potentially gain access to your bank or credit card account. If you've already entered a birth date, go to your profile page and click on the Info tab, then on Edit Information. Under the Basic Information section, choose to show only the month and day or no birthday at all.

Overlooking Useful Privacy Controls

For almost everything in your Facebook profile, you can limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information, among other things. You can give only certain people or groups access to items such as photos, or block particular people from seeing them. Consider leaving out contact info, such as phone number and address, since you probably don't want anyone to have access to that information anyway.

Posting Your Child's Name in a Caption

Don't use a child's name in photo tags or captions. If someone else does, delete it by clicking on Remove Tag. If your child isn't on Facebook and someone includes his or her name in a caption, ask that person to remove the name.

Mentioning That You'll Be Away From Home

That's like putting a "no one's home" sign on your door. Wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was and be vague about the date of any trip.
Letting Search Engines Find You

To help prevent strangers from accessing your page, go to the Search section of Facebook's privacy controls and select Only Friends for Facebook search results. Be sure the box for public search results isn't checked.

Permitting Youngsters to Use Facebook Unsupervised

Facebook limits its members to ages 13 and over, but children younger than that do use it. If you have a young child or teenager on Facebook, the best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends. Use your e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities. "What they think is nothing can actually be pretty serious," says Charles Pavelites, a supervisory special agent at the Internet Crime Complaint Center. For example, a child who posts the comment "Mom will be home soon, I need to do the dishes" every day at the same time is revealing too much about the parents' regular comings and goings.

Sumber : Yahoo! Copyrighted 2009, Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Since i do have an account of Facebook, but to facebooking all around 24/7 is not my type. I could get much boring and tenses,staying in front of the screen and though,nothing to do at all. Farmville, mafia wars - err..?? Nope.sorry. But somehow, facebook do makes me laugh - on certain situation ie commenting all around by tagging a pics or whatsonot with my fellas,collegue and my ex schoolmates - they are crazy,i tell you that!

And oww,i just dont like when strangers-i-never-knew-at-all add me as a freind,trying so hard just to stalk/peeps me,what i do these and that [err...ade ke..?hahah...] - does'nt make sense at all when you adding people you dont even know but just to show off that you have that kind of hugeeeeee connection/freinds. bullshit!

Hmm..As a matter of fact,yes i dont have much freinds in this line. Hahahahaah...who bothers..?


Thursday, May 13, 2010

hikayat 137 - Te Amo...~*

Salam and howdy to all bloggers,

Saje nak buat entry sedih sikit. Te Amo. Sape tau maksud perkataan tu sila angkat ibu jari kaki. Miahaha.. Kalau ade yang tau baguslah. Kalau takde,maksud nya dalam bahasa omputeh,i lap u. Kalo melayu nye saya cinta awak. Alih bahasa Mandarin Wo ai ni. Tamil pulak..Err,tak sempat belajar lagi..

Cakap pasal cinta ni, musti sume orang boleh bajet,musti pasal kapel. Lelaki dan perempuan,oww sudah semestinya. Kalau cakap-cakap orang baik-baik, luaskan lagi maksud CINTA tu. Kepada sapekah,untuk tujuan apekah,kenapekah,dan lain lain lagi la. Jangan macam-macam,kang aku pangkah!

Bagi aku. CINTA tu kalau naif nye,hanya pada yang Maha Esa. Betol. Jahilnya, aku masih lagi mencari cinta tu. Dalam erti kata lain, untuk meluaskan lagi maksud cinta tu belom pun sampai yang terAgung. Tapi,bila terjerat di antara Suka,Sayang,Rindu maka terbit lah Cinta.

Di sini la aku terjerat. Dari rasa suka, pergi ke sayang. Pastu rindu pulak. Bila nak terbit cinta,aku kene kawal pulak perasaan tu. Kenapa? Kerana tiada sebab untuk aku meneruskan sume tu. Dan perkataan yang paling tepatnye adalah MUSTAHIL..dan Dia lebih tahu.

Sape kate jadi manusia ni senang..? Ingat free-free ke Allah s.w.t bagi nyawa kat dunia ni..? Pinjam je. Takde interest pun,tapi boleh tambah dividen. Tak gitu..?

Aku? Ye,ingin mencari Cinta abadi. Dan akan berusaha ke arah itu...Insyaallah..


hikayat 136 - Redha dan Pasrah Bukan Perkataan Yang Sama Ye..!

Jam dah tepat 5.30 petang. Time to go home! Yeay..! Dalam hati aku dah berkira-kira lepas ni nak pergi mana,nak buat ape,nak makan ape,nak beli ape,dan segala NAK nye lah... Berjalan kaki dari pintu office ke pintu pagar kawasan kerja bukanlah mudah. Bukan semua orang boleh jadi macam aku tau! Berani Pacik India semalam memperBOXkan dan memperkatikkan kebolehan gue naik bas dan jalan kaki ke tempat kerja..?? Cish....!

Sampai di hadapan bangunan itu, aku berjalan laju menuju je farmasi Penjaga [baca : Guardian]. Nak beli toiletries sket. Stok kat umah dah nak abis nih. Setelah membelek,memilih dan segala bagai aku buat,aku pun ke kaunter pembayaran. Dah bayar,aku pun blah ke Butik Kecantikan Ini pulak. Ewahhh..Macam artis la pulak. Padahal nak beli barang je. Selesai akad jual beli dengan peromot girl,aku pun balik.

"..Lapar nye. Nak makan megy jela malam ni..". Aku cakap dalam hati. Dah terbayang megy PAMA keluaran err...taktau la pulak,faveret dari zaman study dulu lagi. Warisan berzaman bak cakap orang tua-tau... Yang di rebus sampai lembut mihun nye,tambah pulak telur separuh masak. Perghh......Perot aku mengendang & menendang lagi sebab lapar.Bukan sebab ade baby dowww..!

Sampai rumah,aku terus simpan barang-barang yang dah beli tadi. Sinsing lengan baju bagai,buka peti sejuk,keluarkan telor,sedikit mushroom,dan segala bagai sayur. Keluarkan sepeket megy PAMA walah weii...Periuk atas sinki aku amik dan bubuh air,macam biase. Takkan nak tumis. Aku tak suke.

Elok je semua dah ready. Sabar wahai perot!! Ketakk...Ketakk...Ish,apehal lak nih. Ketakkk..Ketakk...Tade tindak balas pun. Argh sudah..Takkan la kowt..?? Aku goncang-goncang sket tong besi wane biru tu. Ringan je...! Dah sah....Aku geleng-geleng kepala. *sigh*...haih......


Air panas yang baru masak dalam heater tadi,masih mengelegak aku tuang dalam mangkuk yang telah sedia aku masukkan megy dan telur. Rendam lame-lame sikit,bagi lembut..Aroma megy PAMA memang mengasyikkan. Rendam pun rendam la..Janji perut aku terisi. Nak sedapkan hati,baru la Retro makan megy rendam,ye dak..??

Owh,baru aku teringat,last aku tukar gas ialah pada tahun lepas..! Bulan berapa aku tak pasti... Hampa nye.....;(

note : Puas hati aku! Dah cabut pun tiub penyambung gas dan tutup dapur kat umah aku tuh. Buat konon-konon takde dapur lansung di rumah kami..!!

hikayat 135 - Puas..!!

Salam and howdy to all bloggers,

Selamat Hari Kamis! Selamat Hari Berbaju batik untuk government & non-government servant ke tempat kerja & mencari rezeki! Selamat la semua hari ni..! Truly hari ni memang mengantok tahap petala ke lapanblasratus! Time bos ade tu la,mengantok ya rabbi..Kalau bos takde,mata ni celik nye kan main lagi. Setan punye syaitan..Padan muka setan,aku salahkan beliau!!

Semalam yang cukup hangat dan indah bagi aku. Hahahah... Puas!! Tu je aku boleh cakap. Nak cakap lebihlebih,bayar la der...! Miahahaha...

Owcay,cut it off. Biarlah macam ni..Sekian.

note: entry pendek sebab nak siapkan keje. Selamat Menjadi Pekerja Jembalang,eh..Cemerlang untuk semua bloggers...Hik hik hik...;p


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

hikayat 134 - Rindu...~*

Salam and howdy to all bloggers,

Tetiba je rasa Rindu...
Kat Sana..

Rindu nye..Kat kampung.....



hikayat 133 - Berperang Dengan Perasaan Memang Mencabar!

Salam and howdy to all bloggers..

Pagi ni takde la rase bersemangat mane pun pegi keje. Bos pun takde. Keje pun kurang jugak la. Pagi-pagi nak pegi keje, dah kene tegur ngan India kat area blok penthouse-la-sangat aku tuh. Hahaha...Biasa la. Soalan tipikal je.

"..Pergi kerja ke...Heheeh.." Beliau.

"..Err,yeah..Hehehe..". dah tu takkan nak pegi masak kowt..?!. Me

"..Beli satu kereta la. Asik naik bas je..Hehehe.." Beliau.

"..Err,jalan jam naik kereta. Baik naik bas. Hehehe.." Me.

Perbualan-sambil berjalan berakhir di situ. Oww,baru aku ingat.Belaiu adalah pemandu teksi. Okey, secara negativenye agak sadis di situ sebab beliau memperkotak katik kan kebolehan aku pergi keje naik bas. Wat de hek pun tatau. Dan secara positive nye,beliau menyarankan aku membeli kereta untuk keselesaan pergi ke tempat kerja..

Baiklah uncle,terima kasih sebab perihatin. Tapi,saya kene la request untuk lesen dulu,sebelom boleh bawak kereta ke tempat kerja,ye dak..?Hahahah..

Oww..Semalam rase sangat sangat lost dan blurrr...! Kenapa tah. Perasaan berkecamuk. Macam genderang yang mahu perang!![ewahh..lagu pulak dah..] Dengar pulak lagu-lagu nostalgia tuh.Aduhhh...Semua yang terjadi sebelum ni,tahun lepas lepas lepas semua pusing balik dalam otak ni. Penyakit apekah..?? Sindrom neuron-memory-lane kot agaknye. Sampai nak makan pun tak selera. Benci!..

note : tengahari ni hujan.tak boleh nak keluar lunch.selamat duit.sekian.hahahahaha..;p


hikayat 132 - Redang Island ~ A Place To Stop - Part III [END]

Salam and howdy to all bloggers..

Okey. As promised. Cerita Redang Island memang takkan abis.. Rase nak repeat beb..!!! Please..! Im dying to go there again and again. Miahahahaa....

Well, this is the last part where we guys heading back to this so-called Lembah. Rase macam nak terus bermastautin kat sane je. Deadly serious, the place memang sangat berbaloi-baloi untuk di jadikan tempat bercuti, bersantai,berlepak,berpojek [oppsss..yg dah kawin je oke.miahahaah..], berhuneymoon juga utk yang dah mendirikan rumah & tangga,dan sume yang ber ber lagi. Tapi yang terrr terrr tade oke.

So, enjoy the view,the pics and those memories... ~*

[Gambar wajib tayang! This is it. Redang Mutiara...]

[Bergambar bersama geng2 backpackers - Tapi only 7 of us je,yang lain cant manage to follow]

[Plis sesape halang aku dari naik bot ni and balik..!Uwaaaa.....;p]

[Kene balik jugak la nampaknye.hik hik hik..tu yang masing2 muka pun sengal je..hua hua ...]

[before boarding to the highway, kitorang makan nasi minyak kat kedai area Batu Buruk kowt,kalau tak salah la..Introduced by Mala's hubby' s fren. Nice!]

[Tak lengkap kalau tak posing..Ni di depan kedai Keropok Lekor Losong Kak Yah..sedapp....! ;p]

And the rest was a history...

After this,i will always remember early in the morning,Sun bathing along the beach....

In the middle of afternoon in a gloomy weather...On the rock. Hearing the sound of the beach..

And those white sandy beach, a clear water with blue+turqouise and greeny wood behind us. We left the Redang Mutiara with a lots of memories...

And footprints we left... Never be forget..




Tuesday, May 11, 2010

hikayat 131 - Monologue Session ~*

Salam and howdy to all bloggers,

Its been a time. Sekarang ni,nak update blog pun rase macam malas je. Bile pikir balik,macam nk deactivatekan je. Tapi sayang.. Sebab mase mula-mula dulu,kat sini la konon tempat untuk mencurah perasaan, nak story segala bagai, nak citer macam-macam.

Tapi, bile dah busy,semakin di lupakan. Tak sempat nk update. Takde idea. Tak tau nak tulis ape. Tapi ade je blogger tu cakap tak tau nak tulis/story ape tapi still boleh update,citer macam-macam. Seronok jugak bile baca blog-blog orang camtu.

Kadang tu,aku tak tau ape yang aku lalui sekarang. Semua yang berlaku, macam sekelip mata. Sekarang pun dah nak masuk tengah tahun 2010. Jauh dah jugak. Tapi macam takde perubahan pun. Kalau dulu berjanji macam-macam,tapi sikit pun tak boleh nak tunaikan. Susah jugak kalau semangat tak kuat,tapi ujian yang datang bertimpa-timpa. Tapi,tu la dugaan. Allah dah janjikan dengan hamba Nya.

Aku rindu semua kenangan yang aku lalui. Sikit pun tak boleh nak delete. Apetah lagi permanently delete.

Bile nak berakhir pun tak tau. Malah,makin teruk kot. Gosh! Tahap keberontakan aku dah makin teruk la!

Tak salah untuk berubah,apetah lagi berubah untuk kebaikan. Tapi, untuk berubah..Susah jugak,kan.....Hidup mesti di teruskan...!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

hikayat 130 - Al-Fatihah..buat Beliau..


Salam and howdy guys and bloggers..

Hari ni sebenarnya takde la idea sangat nak update blog ni. Since facebook kat ofis memang takleh nk on lg,aku banyak main game je.

Tapi hari ni,pagi-pagi lagi dah online Kosmo ngan Harian Metro. Headline kat Harian metro ngan kosmo sangat mengujakan. Bila baca NI, aku rase macam betol la dunia ni nak kiamat..! Giler dowh..!

Pastu pegi pulak ke next headline. Then,bile baca NI, hati aku sayu. Kesian Beliau, baru je kawin dah meninggal. Dah ajal..

Tapi, gambar kat paper tu,macam aku penah tengok. Yelah,tapi sape? ? Emm....


Aku on blog,ade notification kat blog Bro Kawie. Aku terkejut. Takkan lah..?? Tapi,bile tengok je tajuk entry beliau,aku dah dapat tangkap. Dan betol la,headline kat Metro ngn Kosmo tu Beliau..


Perkenalan dengan Arwah Bro Hisham singkat je. Tu pun kenal melalui blog jugak. Sama kenal dengan Bro Kawie. Mereka housemate,dan kenal dengan mereka sangat best! Kepala gila-gila, banyak idea yang boleh di bincangkan. Cik 301 pun kenal beliau. Beliau mungkin banyak buat blogwalk ngan Bro Kawie, dan mungkin terjumpa blog aku nih. Dan, kenal bile dah YM dengan mereka. Entry aku pun beliau ade komen. Biarlah sikit,buat bingkisan hati untuk aku terus ingat beliau. Dan kata-kata yang beliau selalu cakap kat aku "..i ade buat entry baru,u baca and komen la..". Sumpah sampai bila-bila aku ingat..!

Memang tak pernah jumpa pun,nak di bandingkan dengan blogger-blogger lain. Tapi, mungkin maya ni yang menghubungkan. Dan, masa hari bahagia beliau, beliau ade menjemput aku dan Cik 301. Tapi,masa tak mengizinkan aku dan Cik 301 untuk bertandang. Maaf Bro..!

Sekali lagi, Al-fatihah untuk arwah bro Sham. Semoga roh beliau di cucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan di tempat orang-orang yang beriman. Truly sad,tak sempat nak kenal lebih lama. Allah lebih sayangkan beliau.

Could'nt say a words, just let the time passing by..Rest in peace, Bro Sham....

"...u can say anything about me,as you please.. but i am what i am and that's something that you can never be ""even the prophet forgive his followers, what else human being like me.."

sumber : http://unrestmind57.blogspot.com/


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

hikayat 129 - Redang Island ~ A Place To Stop - Part II

Salam and howdy guys and bloggers,

I know. I know its takes a longgggggg time for me to update this blog and our journey. Somtime it feels like saya sangat malas sebab thinking that im running out of idea. Damnnn! I try to put myself as Kapten. Beliau sangat rajin mengapdet blog beliau. Every single day,there must a be story of him,his surrounding,ramblings this and that,here and there,though i was wondering how he had so much time to did that?? But,that a gift. For him,luckily...You go,Kapten! I really adore you! Heheehe..

Owcay. Back to my move. This is the second part for our journey being take off. Pulau Redang. Gosh,can't barely think bout this. I will remember how the beach sound early in the morning,in the evening even when im in my bed!! This vacation really makes me nuts..! Hahaha..

By the way, upon arrival, kami di hidangkan dengan makan tengahari yang lazat! Sumpah tak tipu! Nasi putih,ikan goreng,sayur masak lemak,ulam timun dan sambal belacan was superbbbb! Kalau tinggal kat sini terus,musti gemok! Heheheeh...Berselera sangat!

And, at 3 pm, we being told by the guardian which the person who arrange our accomodation,kitorang akan pergi snokerling. Yeayyy..! Memang sangat excited! But wait till you see it for yourself Ain! Hahahaha...So,no more rambles,enjoy the scenery....

[most unforgetable scenery...ever...!!!]

[pasir yg putih dan laut yang err...turquoise..hehehehe...santekkkkkkkk!!!!]


[The Jeti...tak tahan woooooo....;p..]

[Our second day trip to Marine Park. Tengok tu semua. Tak sabar nak snokerl la,ape lagi. heheeheh..]

[Our coulleges....7 of us. GAnjil sket kan...hehehhe..';)...]

[Again, our signature pose. Jump! Jump! Jump!.....;p...]

[Hop on,and off to snokerl.. what a lovely view. Credit to this photog! ..]

[i feel damn Good.........See.....??...]

[sesi fotogurafi.... wonder whats wrong wif ma homie and her man. heheheh...]

[there you go. Marine Park,Pulau Redang. Been there, done that...;)...]

[there was a stalker behind me.. hahahhhaa...]

[bercanda di pasiran pantai..............hik hik hik ~*...]

last post,on our second day journey to Redang Island.. Heheheeh...]

to be continued......



Monday, April 12, 2010

hikayat 128 - Redang Island - A Place To Stop. Part I ~ Upon Arrival

Salam and howdy guys and bloggers...

As promissed, the journey to Redang Island was brought to you for those who loves the natural beauty and peace inside,through and through...

This part, im just bringing you the arrival part whereby the journey takes about 6 - 8 hours approximately! Damn,its tiring even though im not driving..Ahahaha...But, a long distance would never be forget,any of it forever because we were so damn excited to reach the point ie Redang Island!

Enjoy the view...! ;)

[Why so serious..? Ngee...;p..We stopped by at Kel's Food~or what so ever at Gombak-Selayang,if i not mistaken. Membincangkan masalah negara i guess. Me and my homie,Ezza..;)]

[upon arrival ~ Jeti Marang. This is not exactly the place where we're going to take our boat. Unfortunately,wrong place from wrong info. By the way,we're enjoying roti canai and teh tarik there. It's cheap,cheap cheap and tasty and good..Weeee...;)]

[Ready to take off ~ At Jeti Kuala Merang. This is where we're taking our small boat and being transfered to speed boat,i guess. Err,im afraid that i will get 'mabuk laut' but,fortunately..im not! Yeayy..just a lil' bit dizzy inside and overall was damn cool ..!!]

[At last ~ Upon arrival at Jeti Mutiara Beach Resort, Redang Island. Time ni semua dah get excited (actually dari atas bot lagi semua dah mcm cacing kepanasan! Ahahah..)]

[Ape-ape pun, lompat itu penting! Acara wajib nih..~This is how we made this for real, our trademark..!. Yikess..!]

[There you goes ~ The Backpacker was here!! Seriously,i was so damn excited!!]

[We've reached the chalet. Gaya macam artis je pulak. Ahahahaah..But what's wrong with my homie..? Die cari laki die la tuh.heheheh..]

To be continued........;)

[This one i would never,ever forget. Will miss this big time,hands downn...........;)]



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hikayat 127 - Selamat Kembali..! Hahahah....

Howdy guys and all bloggers...

Gosh!! It must be a time that i did'nt catch up with my blog. Sungguh! Bukan la terlupa,atau sengaja..Tapi sebab takde idea.. La la la la.....

And oww,selepas ini akan menyaksikan comeback aku sebagai Kakuna. Still me,same old me. By right, cume kalau tak update blog musti orang cakap dah terus lupe atau pun malas.. [err,malas tu pun ade jugak kadang-kadang. wakakaakak...]

Tapi kadang tu,time idea tengah menggila dalam kepala otak ni, menggedik-gedik nak keluar, aku di runtun sibuk yang amat dasatt... Huh,sunggu aku tak tipu..!

Oke la,..Sekian..

p/s: woo..dah pergi Pulau Redang..! Sumpah aku macam tanak balik....!!! Owhshemm...!!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

hikayat 126 - Heh, Berhati-hati..!

Salam to all and howdy guys,

Untuk renungan semua. Memang jarang berlaku perkara camni kan..?? Hehehehe...

"..Nah,Sape degil-degil,gua tanduk perut beliau...!!.." kata beliau a.k.a helgurl, 100++ years old.

"..Hmm,mane gua nak cari duit lebih ni. Duit dalam akaun makin surut nih.." Beliau monolog sendirian mengenangkan masa depan yang tiada pewaris.

[Ishh...Memang dah akhir zaman dah ni kan. Orang pun buleh tumbuh tanduk..!! Takut aku..Ngeee...! Renung renungkan....=)]
Sumber : SINI

Monday, March 8, 2010

hikayat 125 - Lesson #5

"..Dont being such a rubbish! Never act like a trash, nor act like a fucking lil' garbage ie ; you are not usefull at all - every single inchs.. Shitty things and fucking lil' messy character is totally pathetic and have to avoid. In other word; Act as a HUMAN,dude! Be professional.."


hikayat 124 - Standing On Your Own

Salam and howdy guys..

[Err..Selingan sebentar. 18 Days to go - Pulau Redang. Miahahahahah...]

Okeh,ade satu statement - and its for a girl/woman.

"..Everything that you want,you got, Girl,you know you need to stop. Always talking bout what you got, Girl you know that you need to stop..".

Sebab,..cuba la untuk berdiri atas kaki sendiri,boleh? Jangan mengharapkan orang lain untuk bahagiakan kita,padahal kita tak ikhlas dalam semua tu. At the same time, kita hanya pergunakan seseorang tu untuk kemewahan,kesenangan,kehappyan,ke ke semua lagi la.......Ingat senang ke nak bina hidup atas dunia ni tanpa ada ujian/rintangan? Kan..??

Bak kata Lady Gaga "..Eh Eh,there's nothing ells i can say..Eh,Eh..Ewahhh [sengaja di tambah] ..." Hahahaha....

Happy blooming~ monday to all!!


Friday, March 5, 2010

hikayat 123 - Mari Menghitung Hari!

Salam and Howdy guys..

Kekejangan server dan network di ofis memang membataskan niat aku untuk berblog setiap 1 jam. Oke,tipu je. Maksud aku untuk mengapdate kan blog ni. Tapi, network yang agak jahanam-sebab-asik-kene-block-je-padahal-ade-orang-IT-asik-bukak-fesbuk telah membuat aku jadi sakit hati. Mood nak datang keje terus lari.Watdehel?? Tak relevan lansung. Ape-ape pun..Mari menghitung hari...[sila jeles di sini ye...heheheeh...]

21days to go....[^-^']...

**Pulau Redang - get ready ya'all The Backpackers..! Heheeheh....


Thursday, March 4, 2010

hikayat 122 - At Last.....! Yippiii...!!


Ehem…Ehemm..[clearing throat]


Hehhehehe…Tak sabar nak tunggu hujung bulan.


Tak sabar nak pegi Pulau Redang…!!!! Yeayyyyy…..!! Redang im coming…! Heheheeh….


Still in pain…Humm…..


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

hikayat 121 - Damn!! It Was Pathetic...Looser!

Huargghhhh....! Yawning...

Untuk kali ke berapa tak tau.. Tapi,aku sangat mengantok lagi hari ni. Cuaca dan suhu yang panas,membataskan waktu tidur. I'd rather stay and my eyes seems hardly close. And now, my eyes are hardly open!!

For how many times i dont know, I think im being a pathetic looser. It was such a looser. And the story began. This morning, 3 in the morning when i grab my phone ringing for couple of times. I looked at the caller name and i was like ".. Am I dreaming or something..??". I picked up the call. And,the rest was a history...

Damn! For the past half years,i've been through these shit alone, again and again. The more i wanted to forget, the closer He get. And now, he asking for my loyalty and my so-called-forever-in-love-assemble. Im tired to think. Im sick of it!

And the next hour, texting to my BFF, Cik Oyah. All is out and clear. I could'nt even cry. But i felt so damn hurt,inside. Deep in my heart. "..Dont be such a cry baby,you'll learn it someday..". I heard a voice rambles on around my head."..Yeah, indeed..". I said. And for the next 3 hours, i could'nt even close my eyes. It was develish. And Cik Oyah was right,at time. She always be my angle. She think a lot as much as I am. She want the best for her BFF,ie; ME in the future.

Hmm..Seems like, I need a lotsa time onwards. Tak tahu ape yang bakal berlaku, tapi for the good things coming, let it all be the good things. For the sake of my future then.

And the rest was a history. Enough said.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

hikayat 120 - Bla Bla Bla...

Mengantok. Tu je yang boleh di ungkap. Esok baru start cuti, tapi hari ni dan semalam masuk keje lambat. Sebab?? Bos takde. Miahahaha...

Aku kat pantry, bekpes. Dah jadi rutin cenggitu,sebelom masuk keje bekpes dulu.

"..Yeke, itu la..Akan pun same...Anak akak bla bla bla.."

"..Haah,anak Yah pun same jugak kak..Yah cakap bla bla bla.."

Ah sudah...Diorang start dah.....

"..OO,Tie pulak lain. Anak Tie bla bla bla bla..."

"...Hahahaha...Itu la pasal..Bla bla bla.."

Aku duduk tersengih sumbing Musang Si Gantang je melayan karenah dan pengumaman akak-akak ofis aku ni. Diorang tanye aku macam macam. Gaya aku ni macam orang beranak 3 ke????? Cis...!! Gua macam nak rebel je. Pesen ape punye topik perbincangan pun gua tak tau.

Aku syak la,kalau 2 3 tahun lagi aku kat sini, pesen perbualan aku pun buleh jadi ke arah camni!!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hikayat 119 - Lesson #4

"..Feel Happy! Feel free to reconcile with environment and your surrounding. Feel free to rejuvinate with bad things happened earlier. Feel free to let go off your feelings. Feel free to heal your mind and soul again and again. Feel free to scream. Scream now...!!!! Feeling better,huh..? .."


Friday, February 19, 2010

hikayat 118 - Lesson #3

"..Always put your family first ..! Never be a back stabber and always put you happiness on the top of it so that you have an aim AND desire; ie you're giong to reach it and most important; believe in it! And eventually, you'll said it many many times to yourself the same old thing at all time - I DID IT.."

Note : Its 19th Februray,2010,.

Dear Dad,

Happy Birthday..

May Allah bless you and long live. I know im not such a gOOd dauhgter i've been for the past 25 years back, but the best i can do..Is to make you happy at all time and when you're smile at me whenever i reached home every single weekends and consider it as - homesick!

I dont know how many times and dont even realize if i ever hurt you - with those words and talks and actions. But all i did for all these while is to make you happy and smile.

Long live Dad. I love you. This is the best i can do - Wishing you in my page - and your early call this morning tease my heart and tears are all over my eyes. I love you Dad,again and again, for all my life.

Thanks for those you have done before - till i got here,im 25 and I hope its not too late to appologize for those things i've done before. I love you Dad.Again and again..For all my life.

Enough said.

"..Happy 55th Birthday, my Dad.."


Thursday, February 18, 2010

hikayat 117 - A Journey To Remember..

I leave out all the rest..

note : I was there - Teluk Chempedak, Kuantan from 5.36 am,dated ...err..[syhh...] until the Sun rised.. Approximately 7.02 am. It was damn beautiful..MasyaAllah...! The reason for being there....? Nah,leave it as a secret..
note : I am so to do this again,next other time.. I will! Who are so into it..?Anyone..? Raise you hands up...! Heheeh...

hikayat 116 - Tell Me, How Man Supposed To Live..?

"..Neomasculine - A type of guys who dare to confess/admit mistakes and form an appology. A type of modern man who can/able to admit if they needs help from a woman if they have conflicts/matters arrised wether personal or vise versa.."

note : Its rare to find A GUY like this though..[sigh]....[^_^`]..


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hikayat 115 - Lesson #2

"..Always feel free when you get up early in the morning and when you walked out of home to go to work - instead of mourning and glooming; ie you would never believe what will happen afterwads, and hell yeah....Smile then...!.."


hikayat 114 - I Being More Matured Day After Day...At Last!

Salam to all bloggers,

Howdy Guys!

Tajuk di atas means vise versa. Got what i meant..? Yeahhh...

Good Morning Shah Alam..! Or Heppy New Year to all chinesse. V-day,.,.? Nahh..! Fuck! Are you insane? Aku nak ucap Valentine kat sape??!! Gulp!

Back to work. Back to this so~call Lembah.. After 4 days public holiday plus 1 day annual leave. That would count,dont they..? Hahaha.

And all the good times...Just keep on coming..Perfectly just in time. Ahhhh....


Thursday, February 11, 2010

hikayat 113 - Separa Sedar/Di Atas Normal

Salam to all bloggers..

Howdy guys..

Hari ni perkara pertama yang aku buat pagipagi adalah ON MY OWN BLOG selain daripada winamp,outlook dan netscape mail.. Agak terkesima jugak mulamula. Why was that??

Oww.,.,Patot la..Rutin ni dah agak lama aku tinggalkan. Patut la rasa lain.

[Gatal betol hidung aku ni, tak tau nak garu camne lagi. .!! adess..!]

Err, im off to my hometown this evening whereby im-going-to-take-mc-tomorrow .. Nasty..?? Nahh,leave it to me then..

And emm... At last, aku tau jugak kenyataan nye yang aku ni hanyalah melukut di tepian gantang..Sila la kasihani aku.. Sila la... [>_<]...!!

And oww,Good morning Shah Alam...!!


hikayat 112 - Lesson #1

"..Admit it even if it was'nt your fault of not-letting-your-bos-know ie; he already knew that the place of meeting has been changed; in other way - your boss are earlier well known via sms/call ; i.e you are the victim to be blame on..! S***!!..."


hikayat 111 - Same Ol' Me!

howdy guys,

Back to the path.. I mean, old lame path.. Yeah... Its been a days...Should i said weeks actually..?? Apparently, A lot to learn. A lots to face. A lot to rejuvinated. Heal myself. Heal the surrounding. Heal everything. I wish i were in the plane right now, off to a place where people dont bother... I used to dream of where would the place i could be insted of this Lembah Shah Alam...Err,another side of it, i wish i were at New Zealand or Ausie perhaps..??! Hahahah..Crap!!

Well, the good time just keep on coming,dont they...?? Chill...!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

hikayat 110 - Back To Ol' Lame Path...

Howdy guys...

I meant here.. How you guys going..? Owwcay... Sekian lama menyepi kan? Seronok ke begitu..? Not at all..

I said here.. I did'nt get my miracle yet, to bring me back. But, i did get my messy on and on again. [sigh]... Far too long, and its getting hurt again and again..

But as i said once upon a time, i did my blogwalking and leaving footprints as i cant take my finger without typing a single comment.. That will do,huh..?

A lotsa thing came up... I really mean it.. And yet, that's bothering me like hell! But that was life though... The best therapy..?? Well, you know better guys..

Back to ol' lame path...I mean, my path.. Being simple and yet complicated!!

Heydey, enough said...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

hikayat 109 - Need A Break...

I just need break from blogging. And blogwalking as well.. But if i do have tiny lil' time to blogwalking,i will instead of posting entry. Have lotsa thing to settle down. And i hope it will make things clear. Really needs a break though..Tired...!!
I just wondering what the hell am i facing. And even worst, i can't figure it out..Deym..!!

kakuna : God,bless me...!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

hikayat 108 - When My Bored Reached The Limit..part II

Malam tadi jugak.. Setelah penat lelah sangat kunun nye dengan office workload,terlintas nak kacau Smat. Hehehe...Musti beliau busy.

kakuna : "..Perhhh...Bz Sial!! Ko watpe? Aku boring ni,tahap cipan nak beranak!!.."

Dengan cepat dan sepantas kilat beliau membalas.

smat : "..Nape bebs? Meh sini..Heheh.."

Cilakak! Beliau menganjing aku..! Bangkai je kan..Takpe2.Lalu kitorang pun meneruskan sesi sms di malam yang romantik itu. Bese la..Dedua pun solo [opss..saje je cakap ni..hahah], single pulak tuh..[ish,tercakap lagi..]. Heheeheh..

kakuna : "..Giler vavi! Kalu buleh terbang,aku dah fly pegi umah ko dah pun hawau.."
smat : "..Hehehe..Aku tengah iron baju, esok nak pegi camping.."
kakuna : "..Sengal ape nak pegi camping kene iron baju..? Packing baju la dowh..Hahahah.."
smat : "..Hehehe..Kena la,kang esok ade abang-abang Bomba encem,mana tau jumpe jodoh.."
kakuna : "..Macam haram..!Hahahaa...Hah,ape lagi..Dapat tangkap sekor dua, bagi la kat aku..Hahahaha.."
smat : "..Eh,memang pun.Aku pun tengah carik untuk kawan2 jugak nih..Hehehe.."
kakuna : "..Macam pan*** pulak ek..Hahah..Oke la,ejen carik jodoh ni. Hehehe..Ala,buat stok geli geli sudah...Wakaakakakaka..."
smat : "..Hahaha.Ok,aku dapat 2 aku bagi ko 1. Dont woly beb..Hehehee.."
kakuna : "..Orait..Hehehe..Buat2 ghairah2 je..Heheehe..."
smat : "..Bon*** ar beb...Geli aku..! Hahahah..."
kakuna : "..Hahaha..Mesti ramai abang2 Bomba yang gersang esok. Mesti ko dapat tangkap nye.Hik hik.."
smat : "..Pun*** betol la...Hahahahaha...."
kakuna : "..Hehe,pastikan yang gersang itu berpoket tebal dan berkenderaan a.k.a berkereta. Aku agak demand kalau carik yang stok geli2 nih.Hahaha.."
smat : "..Hahahah..Sudah la wei..Cam haram je...!Syaitonn.....!!..."
kakuna : "..Hahahahaahah..bese la,malam2 yang boring camni.Aku agak emo..Hehehe..."
smat : "..Oww...Oke, ABANG ko mane...? Hik hIk hiK.."
kakuna : "..Entah, MAMPUS kowt..? Cube ko tengok nightline jap lagi, kowt2 ade death breaking news,kowt2 muka die kuar ke..[cakap sambil makam bublegum..muka tak bersalah!].."
smat : "..Hahaha...Siyes la beb.. Gilerr!.."
kakuna : "..Laa..aku siyes la ni. Tak nampak muke aku siyes ni..? Nampak tak..??.."
smat : "..Hahahaha...nampak nampak nampak...!!!.." [gaya kanak2 riang..!]
kakuna : "..Hah,baru aku nk cakap. Kalau tak nampak,lagi 2 Jumaat..Ko jalan le...[jalan balik kg..] Heheheheeh..."
smat : "..Bongok la ko...! Hahahah.."
kakuna : ".. Hehehe..Boring kan..? Aku tetibe nak pegi New Zealand.."
smat : "..Haaaaa..Nak ikut weiiiii..!!!!.."
kakuna : "..Jom,malam ni aku FLY la..Mungkin pagi esok balik la dalam 6.30,kan nak keje esok kan..Jum jum..! Jumpe dalam Airport Mimpi..Hehehe..."
smat : "..Okey,jom. Aku gerak dulu, kang lambat sampai lak..telepas flight...ZZzzzzzzz....."
kakuna : "..Okey.. Zzzzzzz...."
[kedua-duanya memang tak akan dan mustahil sekali akan berjumpa di dalam mimpi...!]

Begitulah seadanya perangai manusia dua orang ni kalaw dah dapat ber sms,tu belum lagi dalam call,kalau berjumpa lagi la...haih...Sampai situ je.. Huh,bile baca balik mesej2 tu,baru aku tau tahap keboringan aku..Hahahahaah...
kakuna : Cerita di atas tiada kene mengena dengan yang idup atau telah pergi. Siyes ni.. Hahahaha...

hikayat 107 - When My Bored Reached The Limit..part I

Semalam agak jahanam jugak bagi aku. Balik keje lambat, naik bas last dan tak boleh tidur sebab kaki yang terseliuh ni berdenyut2 pulak.Batuk pun same, nak mengada ngada datang balik. Bena Expectorant memang tak jalan..! Wat addict aku je lagi ade la..

Malam tadi.setelah berperasaan boring dan bowsan yang teramat sangat,aku pun taip la messege kepada Fesbuk aku untuk apdet status... cehh..~~~!!

"..I let myself busy over office workload,instead of fesbuking..deym,what a liar..S***~!!.."

Hahahaha...Rajin kan? Bawak balik keje ofis ke rumah..? Nak buat ape lagi, kunun kunun busy la..Sambil wat keje sambil dengar radio.. Huh,terasa macam cekgu pun ade.. Macam arkitek tu tinggi sangat angan tu beb..!! Pastu sambil makan nuget tempura RAMLY + air kopi.. Heaven...!!

Siyes,i am deadly boring.....~~!!!

kakuna : Cik Ezza balik and tanye aku tengah buat assingment ke..Hahahahaaha.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

hikayat 106 - Jika Aku Diberi Peluang itu,Akan Ku Ubah Semuanya..!

Namun,peluang itu tak mungkin aku dapat. Hmm...[sigh]..Come on..Aku sangat letih. Letih bila nak fikir masalah orang lain,sedangkan masalah aku sendiri still pending. Aku letih sangat...

[Mari kita besesi bahasa dalam keadaan emo sikit..Sikit je..Hehehe..]

Aku tak mampu nak mempuaskan [betol tak ayat ni..??] hati semua orang. Aku akui. Aku manusia biasa. Aku hanyalah hamba yang memang bukan kadang kadang,tapi selalu buat silap. Tapi, kalau ape yang aku buat sebelum ni tak nampak oleh kamu, dan kamu mahu seterusnya menyalahkan aku dalam perkara ini,aku terima. Terima kasih.

Dan kalau ape yang bakal aku buat nanti,boleh menyenangkan hati kamu,instead of aku yang terkena akibat dan tindakan sehinggakan menabur pasir dalam periuk nasi sendiri,aku terima. Terima kasih.

Aku letih nak fikir. Aku letih nak timbang tara. Aku letih dengan semua. Semua yang sikit pun tak menyenangkan hati aku. Kalau kamu rasa ini memang salah aku. Aku terima. Terima kasih kerana terus terusan berfikiran begitu. Dan terima kasih kerana menjadikan aku batu sandaran untuk kamu melepaskan segala amarah kamu. Terima kasih kerana sikit je peluang yang kamu beri untuk aku menyatakan simpati namun kamu tak hargai. Dan terima kasih, kerana buang aku begini.

Enough said..

note: dan terima kasih kerana menjadi kawan yang sebegitu..
kakuna : Sedikit emosi yang tak berapa nak tenteram..!!

hikayat 105 - Hidup Ini Indah Kalau Tiada Masalah Dan Aku Mahu Lari Dari Kesemuanya...!

What A life..!! Eating goreng pisang together with a cup of nescafe in da mornig as your breakfast...Baru cara...! Hahaha...

Ehh..? Aku macam terlupa sesuatu...
Yelah...Masalah2 itu..

Kalau la aku boleh terbang....

Kakuna : Tapi aku tiada sayap....:(

Friday, January 8, 2010

hikayat 104 - My Psycho - Being Sensitive And Friday Birthday Bash

Its Friday. And as usual im in gloom. Cuaca hari ni pun clowdy je. Im not expecting rain as im not bringing my tiny umbrella. But the rain still fall. Oww I wish Im having a snow walk through the bus stop..Hahaha.... Enough ramblings ain..!

Owcay..Wake Up..! Im thinking a lot for the past few days. Migrain pun aku tak larat nak layan dah. Tapi still coughing. And i have to get used to it for how long i can't tell you that..Uhuk Uhuk..There you go! Demmit!

Esok Cik Oyah akan jadi milik orang. That is one of 'em. Hmm.. I missed her a lot! Missed our time together couple of years ago. I dont know,but maybe im being too sensitive of talking bout our time. Azie,rindu nye aku kat ko taw...!Huhuhu....

I did said that im going to write about us on my last entry. I still write about it and saved it in draft. Maybe its a bit too long to type and my finger might get cramp kalau aku tak berhenti type! Nahh..liar..!! But seriously, what so special about our relationship was a no-one-can-replaced. Its all about being together through hardtime,lonely,happiness,.Oh,what a time!! But hey, stop thinking of LESBO! Giler dowhh! Hahahahah..Beliau kawan aku time susah dan senang,suka dan duka as we dont have much friends dulu. Itu dulu...

I once told her.. "..Wei, aku akan heppy kalau tengok ko heppy, aku boleh tumpang heppy even my life tunggang langgang,its ok for me coz we've been through a lot.. And you deserved this, this is you time. Aku seronok tengok ko bahagia. Mungkin aku belum masa lagi,tapi takpela,aku redha..".

Well, Dear Azie a.k.a Cik Oyah.. Selamat Pengantin Baru [in advance..!hehe..] And SEmoga Kekal Hingga Ke Anak Cucu..Missed our time and hopefully your life will be full of happiness afterwards!

Enough said..:)
And the rest was a history..[sambil kesat air mata..hahahah..f***!]


Owcay...Let us talk bout Friday Birtday Bash.. Its 8th in the month of January 2010.
Dear Mizi, Happy Birthday.. May all your wishes and dreams comes true..! Pray for a better tomorow and day afterwards! May Allah bless you and.... Cepat cepat jumpa jodoh..Amin.. Hahahahaa....:p..

And oww,i forgot.. He's one of our team. I mean The Backpacker's.. More upcoming info about this team i've joined. More upcoming journeys.. Hell yeah..!! Kudos to all team..Ya Rawkkk..!! ~ ~

Kakuna : Selamat pergi solat Jumaat ye kengkawan lelaki. Dan kengkawan perempuan, selamat bershoping di tengahari ni. Sebab sekian lama tak merasa kerja pada hari Jumaat..! Hahahaha...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

hikayat 103 - After Midnite - I Want Ice Cream..!!!

Salam guys and all blogger.. Back to work! Back to work..! Im here in my tiny lil' office..Again..! Duhh! Hahahahaha... Semalam dapat 'mandat' dari Doc untuk MC so saya dengan suka hatinya dan girang sekali berlarilari anak pulang dari klinik sambil melambai lambikan sijil cuti sakit tersebut..! [WAaa... heybatss lakonan ko ye!syaitoonn...]

Yeahh..Tajuk tiada kena mengena dengan entry pada hari ini mungkin..! Memang aku MC semalam, dan sejujurnya kepala masih lagi ting tong dan batuk batuk ala orang tua masih lagi kekal. Semalam jumpa Doc pun cakap tersekat sekat.."..oOO,sungguh degil kahak itu.." Kata Doc dengan manja.. [Dah cam kot muka aku ni yang suka mintak MC..? Eh,mana mungkin...!!] Nasib baik tu Doc pompuan yang cakap,kalau Laki...Kalau la..... [oww..hampa nye...!!]

Bile dah dok umah,tak tau pulak nak buat ape. Rasa mengantok memang takde walaupun dah telan sirap merah tu [siyes tak sedapp...!!! euuwww...!]. Pastu lak hausmate ku yang comel telah baik hati meminjamkam lappy dan beruk belaan beliau [tenkiu milion milion eh ezza..ehee..]. Dah online pun lagi tak tau nak buat ape.. Hoi,ape la yang aku nak ni....????!!

Iklan jap...

[ubat batok cap ape pun tak tau la nih...komfom tak lulus dari kementerian kesihatan..!]

Minggu ni,aku akan berkampung di rumah Cik Oyah. Beliau akan menamatkan zaman bujang beliau jadi aku sebagai kawan merangkap pengapit mustilah kene hadir.. Bagi sapot sket. Mane tau pasni turn aku pulak ke..?? [kegedikan terserlah oleh kakuna yang gataii....!!]

Tapi jadi pengapit,musti kene prepare awalawal...Aku tanak la sebab makan ubat batuk aku jadi cani plak...

Iklan lagi sket...

[akibat terover dose,maka adakah kiranya kelihatan rupa aku sebegini rupa...?Owwh no..!!]

HOh....Tapi aku nak makan eskrem..! Eskrem oh Eskremm..!! [gaya manja ala ala sin chan...!!] Nak ajak Cik 301 la gi makan eskrem mekdi. Dekat je pun,tak jauh.. Hahahaha...Oww..Ofis aku memang dekat dengan PKNS tuh,jadi kebarangkalian untuk ke sana makan eskrem adalah sangat tinggi..! Walaupun kebarangkalian beliau untuk marah terhadap aku pung tinggi..! Hahahaah...Dah tau sakit,degil nak makan eskrem jugak..

Satu lagi eklan..Haih..

[French Fries cicah dengan McFlurry Oreo memang lazat jika di makan di tengah hari..!!]

Hipotesisnya.. Aku nak makan eskrem jugak la...!! Ubat tinggal dalam peti sejuk kat umah.. Cekgu cakap jangan bawak ubat pegi keje,nanti anda mengantok.. Walaupun aku ni akan sedia maklum mengantok even tak makan ubat sekalipun..! Macam setan jugak perangai kadang tu kan..??!

Kakuna : Jiwa tengah kacau ni beb... Takleh nak tido pikir macam-macam.. Oww Serabutnye..!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

hikayat 102 - Opss..I Did It Again..!

Yeahh...I Fall asleep! Again...! As my boss want to go out for his personal matter whereby he walkded in front of my office... And what i've realized was when someone remind me.. "..Hey,watch out your PDA..." Ngaaaa....!!!!

Abis,nak buat camne..Im not feeling well today. My cough getting worst day by day. And a lil' bit of Bena Expactorant ain't make me feel good enough rather than SLEEPy YiPpy......!!

Dear Doc,
Would you mind if you give something that will make my cough and flu go away..??Permantly lost...?? I need sumtin' stronger...!!!!

Kakuna : Im not much talking today. As it will make myself exausted..!! Demmit..!

hikayat 102 - Good Morning New Year..!

Gud MOrniNg guYs and New YeaR...!! Mau kerja baikbaik...Mau kerja Elokelok...JangaN nakaLnakaL tahUn ni...IngaT oraNg yang TersaYanG...

Kakuna : TAde idEa....bLurrrr......:p

Friday, January 1, 2010

hikayat 101 - On 01.01.10...Wahhh..! What A Number..! CepatCepat Beli Nombor Ekor..!Wahahahah..

First hikayat on January 2010..!Before the time end.Wahahah..giler panjang tajuk entry..Yikes.! Sila la cepatcepat pegi beli numbor ekor..wakakak.. Bangkai je!

Tahun Baru Guys..New hope..New resolution..New Energy..New Spirit..Dan serba macam new lagi ye kengkawan..Sila sebut new sampai muntah..!!

Fuhh..Cuti hari kamis di spentkan dengan sepenuhnya sehingga la menjelang Tahun Baru. Kononkonon nak kuar awal, nak pegi jenjalan sorang..Sudahnye set taim dengan Cik 301.

"..Walau ape pun,tengahari musti pegi makan nasi Ayam Kampung kat Sek 13..!.." She text me last nite.

"..Hell yeah..! Nasi Ayam Kampung faveretku..!.." Aku membalas.

Sudahnye,jam 3.30 baru pegi makan. Considered as lunch ke tuh...? For me, it was breakfast cum lunch + Dinner..! Wahahahaha...Dah siap makan pegi pulak amik En. Mizi untuk join kitorang. Aza membebel sebab mizi nak ikut misi orang pompuan nih.."..Macam pmpuan la.." Aza bertutur dengan gaya manja,kepala lentok 180 darjah celcius..! Seriuss ni..!! Ahahaha...

Kitorang plan nak pegi Midvalley,since masingmasing dah lame tak pegi sane. Kunun nak naik KTM je,nak jadi traveller pulak la.Sekali hujan kat Shah Alam macam tak nak benti! Rahmat tuh..! So,naik la ikan Cik 301 tu..Sekali jalan pun tak jam. Selalu nye federal ni macam puaka je jam.

Yeayyy..Watching Sherlock Holmes was a great idea [AFTER Vampire Assistant was sold out..! hahahaha...] Damn kewl beb..! Sape lum tengok,g la...Berbaloi...!! Sampai kan duit Aza due hengget pun aku tak bayar lagi sampai skang..! "..Ampun penunggu..! Nanti aku bayor ye...Hehehe.."

Kunun nak plan pegi Dataran. Tapi,dah tau musti jalan macam hell punye jam..! We all decided to go to Bintang Side Walk [those yang stay sh alam tau la kat mane..Wakakakk..],together with En. Fakhrul and housemate cumel ku Ezza.

Oww,tak tau pulak ICT celeb those kind of New Year's Eve..Counting to the midnite,sempat la tengok fireworks kat ICT tu...It was fabulos..! Ok la jugak walaupun firework~yang~macam~masuk~angin tu meletop macam orang nak kentot tak lepas je..Ahahhaahah....Nak compare dekat KLCC punye,kompom takleh chalenge..But,it was spectacular.. Together Cik 301 and En. Budin,Mr. Fakhrul and Ezza, En. Mizi and I.. After that,ramblings till dawn..! Owh no we're not..!Aza cakap Mizi macam baby,kene tido awal..Ahahahaha...It was 1.3o am though...Awal lagi pun...Eheee...

Ahuh..That was how i celebrated my New Year's Eve.. Nothing much instead of my cough and sore throat that killing me like hell all the way from the movie bee's and New Year's countdown..! DAmn its hurt and disturbing man..!!

Arghh..Go away desease...I don't need ya...! Im in all new...Hell yeahhh..!!

Kakuna : Lotsa programme planned for the whole weekend...Haih..*sigh*....