|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Thursday, June 21, 2012

hikayat 242 - Mimpi Biar Sampai Ke Bintang..

Hamikk kauu..Besar gedabak punya gambar macam tengah aim ape ntah dengan meriam tu.hahahah.. :p

They said, Mimpi biar sampai ke bintang. Even the everest nor the kk pun tak lepas lagi. Bukit Broga pun hongeh, ni kan pulak naik tangga tingkat hempat rumah aku pun bile dah naik malas nak turun lagi. Err...Nak sampai Bintang?? 

Well, cut it off. Another post that rasa macam tak ada apa nak cerita instead of meriam kat atas tu. hahaha... okey, semua orang tahu pun tu kat mana. Tak ada motif pun. Eh eh.. Baju tu from The Poplook yang sangat saya suke because its stretch and comfy~ I have bought 2 pieces from 'em and looking forward for moreeee....!! Grrr... 

Till today, misi pencarian paperbag for goodies bag masih belum terlaksana. Aku ade search dekat internet juga the type and criteria yang aku nak, but most of all are from China~ Need to ship that all the way from China, and the price currency is US dollar kauu..... Nah, hamikk!!

Few days back, ade jugak contact the supplier base at China through email and the result is aku terrrrkujattt la kott dengan price die bile dah convert to MYR is bout 1k EXCLUDED shipping and stuff. Damnnn.... Haku nak paper bag warna merah je kowtttt but come in kraft paper... Double damnnnn!! T___T.

And the same time, ade jugak contact dengan one person ni die punye blog tak hingat la pulak... She DIY the paperbag and it takes 1 week for me to wait for the sample and bile dapat je sample tu.. Humm.. Ok lah. So-so tapi material nipis, macam guna kertas A4 warna merah tu (yang striking) tu and and plus, pembuatan die biasa-biasa je.. I just love the red but the thing is cara pembuatan tu pulak. (mungkin in case of emergencies i have to, HAVE TO order jugak lah dengan beliau.. Huuu.. T__T)

Those who know where to find it, pleaseee...kindly email me kakuna_daisy@yahoo.com. Hahahaha..... Seriously this kind of small things pon buleh buat stress kauu.. Sampai boleh bawak gaduh lah. Eh,alamakkk ai.....


Hari Khamis~ I missed my family. My mom, Dad and siblings. Everythings!! -____-


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

hikayat 241 - June! Please Go Slowly ~__~

Eh eh.sekejap je dah bulan June nye pun,aduii....!!! ~__<

Terasa masa sekarang ni cepat sangat berlalu, memang terlalu cemburu. Sekarang ni ada masa lebih kurang 3 bulan sahaja lagi (tolak puasa dan raya) untuk setelkan ape yang perlu di setelkan. Waaarrhhh......

Ape yang aku nak buat ni pun tak tahu. Macam-macam nak kene. Tapi nak start pon tak tahu lagi. Aduii.. 

Eh eh.. Im a Bride to Be yaww~ Ngeee....

Sekian, itu sahaja update!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

hikayat 240 - And if I Could Turn Back Time...

Bila teringatkan kenangan-kenangan dengan kawan-kawan lama, hati ni auto akan jadi sayu. Who's not? Back to memory lane yang sebenarnya banyak mengajar kita erti sebenar kehidupan kita, sekarang ini. Di mana kita berdiri, di mana kita berada.

The memories that i missed the most was back in Jengka. When I was studying and pursuing my Diploma. Kat sana baru lah nak tahu hidup sendiri without parents. New friends, new environment, new stuff. Hahaha.. Kelakar pun ade. Walaupun kehidupan kat sana tak berada, tak mewah, tak meyakinkan kadang-kadang tu, dan tak la macam sesetengah orang yang ade kumpulan-kumpulan sendiri, macam BFF konon kononye tapi I just love the way im are. 

Now. Everybody's are taking their life with their own way. Dan, aku rindu kawan-kawan aku dulu. But now, seems like everybody happy with their own life in building a family. Yes. Family. Own family. I dont know, but things are so different. 

Things that are far away from us, TIME. 

Could we have chance to see our own future? Could we have a chance to create our own future?

And, if i could turn back time....

the steps we left behind, bring us the memories we'll never find....
source : From the Album - Redang Island
credit pic : Cik Azalea


Thursday, May 10, 2012

hikayat 239 - Azfar's Big Day ~

Last Sunday, after class on the morning, siap-siap dengan terkocoh-kocoh nye untuk ke majlis ini. Dah berjanji dengan Cik Oyah, will meet at LRT Sungai Besi as she is with her Hubby and lil Qaireen. Where me with En. Sahlan, yang dah tunggu awal-awal kat bawah. Kah kah kah.. Its typical where i was always late, wherever, whatever and everywhere. 

Dah sampai, Laman Sri Payung, Jalan Ampang-Ulu Klang, near MRR2. Memang sebelah highway MRR2 tu je. Aku pon tak tahu tempat ni, but Cik Oyah said die tahu. Folow jelah...

Merah kauu....

Strike a pose!

Pengantin yanggg.........

Ohmai...... Sangat cantekkkkk...!! T__T berdarah hidung sebab she looks different and so cute!

haippp... mengintai pulaks...

Cik Oyah and lil Qaireen. Sekejap je dah beso. Waiting for second one dalam oven. hehee

Ni farah. Our classmate back in Jengka.
Ni je yang jumpa. Lain-lain tak tahulah...

Eh Eh...??
Eh Eh lagi...??? muehehe

Well,after 8 years of loving diorang eventually getting married. Alhamdulillah, sebab they all ni memang dari Diploma lagi such a loving couple (bukan yang baju merah di atas ye! ) Pengantin ni my best friend back in Jengka, used to be my room mate. Hahahaha.. Kelakar.. But now, semua orang dah kawin.. T____T

My turn..? Soon.... So soon. Insyaallah..... ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

hikayat 238 - Last Weekend. Out and About. And Sweet Little Vacay~

What a weekend~
Well, masa ni (13 - 15 Apr 2012) pergi jenjalan dengan my future family in laws. Everybody was there. From the big bro to the tiny lil one that i had posted on FB. Tak merancang sangat pun nak bercuti dengan mereka, it was last minute plan. And,walahh... Here we are. The chronology, from KL - Bukit Merah Laketown Resort - Cameron Highlands - KL. 

Si penangkap gegambar aku adalah,well, Beliau yang saya upah. Hahaha...En. Sahlan yang agak pro jugak lah kan walaupun kadang-kadang gambar saya yang gemok buleh jadi macam Eh, macam kurus sikit la yangg gambar kat bawah ni kansss?? Tapi jawapan yang di terima agak mengecewakan hati. Alah, sebab pakai seluar wane hitam.. Sobbss...T___T

Gambar ni kat Restoran Jejantas Sungai Buloh. Mentunggu Abang Long En. Sahlan all the way from Kuantan.. Kite srike a pose dulu lah.. WEehuu~..

Bila Abang nya sudah sampai, everybody was likee. WAahhh..Mane Qayyim? Mane Qayyim? Ok,he is Abang Long youngest son,the one and only Putera in their Family. Qayyim ada 3 orang kakak yang .Wooww,somell and active! ;). Will loaded their pic,soon! (cross finger!hahah)

Hew hew hew.. This budak debab sangatttt gerammm okess!! :D

En. Sahlan's sister.
Left : Dak Adik and her Baby, Lil Dhia yang tidoo jeww ;)
Right : Asu and baby Qayyim and sporting! :)

Ok then. Enough. Pastu meneruskan lah perjalanan yang tersangkut tadi. Puk pang pong peng.. Sampai lah jua ke Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. We all stayed at homestay, a semi-D bungalow yang luasss...niceee and and...sunyi kowt? But, ok lah... kalau ramai orang semak sangat kowt..Hew hew...

The next day on Saturday, heading to Waterpark. Strike a pose again,bebeh..!! Yikess~ ;)

The entrance.
Kudos to En. Sahlan~ ;)

 The Souvenirs

Entrance to Orang Utan Island. Tapi tak sempat pegi pun. 
Asik dok berendam main air je.. Hahaha...

Ok,enough at Bukit Merah. The next day on Sunday we all semua siap awal, check out and heading to Cameron Highlands. Naik di Simpang Pulai,and turun di Tapah. Sejuk jugak sebab cuaca mendung. Burrrr~

And there goes the pics during kat sana. Strawberry farm, je tempat di tuju sebab everbodys was exciting to pluck your own strawberries! Damn. Hahah... Here's a little pic tapi im not kinda remember farm ni ape nama tempat nye, but yang aku remember tempat ni naik bukit,and dekat dengan rumah persekutuan. Yes. kat sana. Ape name farm ni, lupa..!!

Lahhh...peace jugak!

 Wuuu..Wuuu... Look at my bunch of strawberries! Pastu makan dengan Heinz Chocolate Sauce, HEAVEN beb...!! 

 Okay, jenis pelahap tak ingat lepas petik terus makan. 
Makan is makan.
Take away is take away. 
We paid!

Orait then, thats it. Ni kire macam bajet ciput nye trip la because half is being sponsored by Abang Long En. Sahlan. Tengggssss....... ;)

Owwhh,lupa lak nak thanks kat beliau sebab sudi mengheret saya ni. Dah la mengheret saya, saya pula upah untuk amik gambar....Auww..Malu lak pulakss.... Hahahahaah.....

Alololooooo....tomeyy nye dengan smurf tu...hew hew hew... ;)


Friday, April 20, 2012

hikayat 237 - So, I Screwed Up.

And to be frank, I AM Truly Sorry even if i know that it wasn't me that have to.

I screwed up.
I messed up.

When you fall behind, you never know what would you see in front. When you fall apart, don't look behind. As much as you know that even the thing is right done, then done is done. No turning back.

How could you say that it is FATE if you dont know how to appreciate the opportunities?

And, when things get really hard, dont ever regret. Just, don't.

I just dont wanna messed up,all over again.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

hikayat 236 - Mimpi.

Mimpi Biar sampai ke langit. Biar sampai menggapai awan..

Tetapi hidup jangan ibarat menongkat langit.. Kerana kita, tak semuanya sempurna...


hikayat 235 - C O N G R A T E S to newly wed~

Sabtu, 24 March 2012 was Nadia's reception. And i could'nt believe that she was just married! Like seriously, mase we olls bujang-bujang dulu, selalu jugak hang out sama-sama. When there was a time that we all had a late dinner at KL, hooding around here and there, and it was like sekejap nye..? Eh, die dah kawin? Eh..? And last year punye puasa, the most memorable sebab kitorang enjoyed cooking and sahur together kat rumah Aza and pergi terawikh pon bersama.

By the time i reached dengan En. Sahlan together with June, the brides tengah bersanding wearing a glowing gold like assemble and a stunning make up that overall changing her face totally. Damn she's gorgeous~ Really. Ok, noted here that muka beliau adalah iras Pretty Zinta. I tell you that~ And tengah-tengah aku makan, they heading to salin baju dah for potong kek.

Jadi saya pon menyelit di sebelah beliau. kih kih kih

Ambil berkat katanya......Dah berapa ramai pengantin pon yang saya amik berkat pon tak tahu lah. Semoga ini kali, beroleh la keberkatan dari Nya. Amin......

Ni tengah semak dan samun dalam kepala ni. hahahahahaa...bile nak kasi tebas..??!


hikayat 234 - Cerita Minggu Lepas Punya.

Minggu lepas, saya lupa berapa haribulan nya telah di adakan satu test untuk English Proficiency. Memandangkan saya tak berapa nak fluent so saya pun mendaftarkan diri untuk mengambil ujian tersebut. Di ikuti dengan my 2 friends, Aza dan Lyn.

Begini. Di kantor ku, HR telah melayangkan sebuah email kepada semua staff berkenaan Kursus English Proficiency For Business di mana kursus ini akan mengajar kita yang kurang ajaran ini berkenaan English, dari tatabahasa dan segala mak nenek dia buleh ajar. Jadi dengan naif nya saya telah mendaftarkan diri. Lalu, email seterusnya di layangkan memaklumkan akan di adakan satu ujian sama ada kita layak atau pon tidak untuk kursus tersebut, dah pandai kalu, tak payah kasi ajar la.. Itu macam.... faham?

Saya eksaited. Begini.

Dan begini lah kertas ujian nya..

Dan kami,begini lah sebelum ujian nya.... from left, Aza, Me and Lyn.

Ok now dah seminggu. Result masih belum out. Tapi perasaan nya di atas adalah seperti masuk dewan peperiksaan. Macam mase kat Uni dolu-dolu. Hee...

Sentap mak tau tak. Kursus bermula bulan April, katenye... Sampai sekarang result tak keluar lagi. Terasa macam esei aku dalam tu markah die 100% padahal dok mencarut hape pon tak tahu lah. Nebess katenye......



Wednesday, March 28, 2012

hikayat 233 - Sorry For Being M.A.L.A.S.

Banyak entry yang tak terrrr post! Fine! Malas jugak sikit-sikit. But the thing is, sangat lah memblog walk kan diri instead of mengepost entry so I just sit, scroll, read.

Enough of that.

Preparation..? Well, nothing yet until I am posting that me, a B-to-B is super happy that work in progress would be 80%, AT LEAST!! fineeee... -___-'. Malas la cakap lagi. Nak karang untuk next entry (kengkonon nye.. puuu~).



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

hikayat 232 - When People Are'nt Aware.

Assalamualaikum and good morning. Hari ni setelah bersarapan sebanyak 350 kalori (or more!!) ditambah dengan 300 fat (or even more!) jadi kemengantuk kan mata ni sangat lah di tahap yang agak kritikal. Ow, kalori dan fat di sini ialah Nasi Lemak telur mata kobauu ye kawan-kawan. (keep telling this to yourself~ ).

Peoples nowadays tak berapa nak aware dengan kesihatan diri sendiri. Including me. Yeap, this post are meant for me! Sobs but Yeayy because dengan jayanya aku telah pun layak untuk ke cabaran Weight Loss Challenge yang telah di anjurkan oleh kantorku ~

p/s: Ok,aku sangat envyyyyy dengan Aza because die tak layak! Kenapa die tak layak? Sebab...pergi tengok blog die lah.... huuuu~

Everyday, i keep telling myself that this was the last day I ate rice. But on last sunday, my sista and brotha in law telah menceriakan hidupku kerna di jamu dengan nasi hujan panas berwarna-warni di makan dengan kari ayam pekat melekat dan acar buah. Perghh dan perghhh~. Since I am staying at their home last weekend playing and hooding around with my niece. Yeah, little Monsta..!

And, yesterday pun impressed jugak sebab I just ate mihun goreng as for my brunch and I was like, Ok. ni last makan untuk hari ni, but Sobsss at the end of the day when I ate Kuew Tiaw Kung Fu Panda accompanying by my soul En. Sahlan. ArGHh~ Fat! Fat!

Die cakap saya ni kalau diet pun sekejap je. Tak pernah nye lame,hangat-hangat tahi ayam. Hahaahah...Macam die tau-tau je. Ok,fine.. -__-'

Back to the challenge, Why I Am Qualified?? Ok, the thing is here when you reached the maximum of number of the scale and maximum number of BMI chart, then.. YOU'RE IN! Ouch that was hurt!

Now now now, Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! And Jaga makan. Thats it.

Phat Kakuna~ -__-''

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

hikayat 230 - Its March okay...Im so seriously damn serabut!

Punya lah tak memberansangkan last posts, sampai nak posting anything pun macam takde mood. Well, actually bukan lah takde mood. Tapi bile nak sampaikan cerita, dah tergantung, tak boleh nak end up with what...and eventually, jadi lah draft.

Bile dah time hujung-hujung gini, mula la dada cemas je. Mari pikir macam-macam. Eh, itu tak buat lagi, ini tak siap lagi. Itu tak setel lagi. Sebenarnye, satu hape pun tak de lagi! Ya Allah, bukan takde kekuatan, tapi sebab takde punca. Ape nak jadi tak tahu lah.

Ok. Last week, went to shopped around with En. Sahlan, and did bought one gift for our day nanti (Insyaallah..). Bile dah membeli satu barang itu, it come up with macam mana yang lain..? So the thing is, kekangan atau masalah atau keprobleman di sini ialah ekonomi. Hmm.... Memang kene adjust betul-betul supaya everything tak ruin out and ujung-ujung mula la mencakarrrrr....

Now, dalam kepala hotak ni tengah mikir kan pasal banyak hal. Well, dah tak tahu nak cakap apa.

Minggu ni balik kampung, sebab ade wedding cousin sebelah mak di Kuantan. Seriously, bile nak balik Kuantan bukan sebab wedding sahaja (instead of makan nasi minyak..weeeee....gloriuos food!!) tapi sebab takde hati pun sebenarnya nak balik sana kalau tak fikirkan mak saudara and those relatives. Tapi, who cares..? Balik kampung and dah plan nak pergi picnic kat Pantai with my whole family since all of em balik. Yeay!

Family priority! While it last until end of this year. Sobs but yeay jugak.. hew hew hew....


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

hikayat 219 - Terkenang...

Kerja Gila! This is it... :D

Bukan kerja gila edit gambar. That's my not-so-skilled part. But the place was taken. Cameron Highland. With Smart and her sista. And,tido dalam kereta. Hew hew hew...Worth it! :)

And I feels like nak REPEAT....! weeewooooweeeewooo..............


Monday, February 20, 2012

hikayat 218 - A Worried Must Have!

Ouh okay. Now im worried! Like seriously, bile terfikir je rasa terus jantung mengepam dengan laju. Sangat! And bile tak terfikir, I was like.. La la la la.... The hell wrong..?

Its February baby, and its almost here. Setiap hari selalu fikir. Macam mana majlis aku nanti..? Ya Allah...Serius serabut! Sebab, until now I dont have any preparation yet, not even once! Damn~

Risau neh! Risau neh! Then,what to do..? When i spill it out to my friends, diorang cakap, buat list, this list, here and there, booking, and all sort of works yang aku rase macam tak mampu nye nak handle sorang-sorang. Like my engagement day last year, which i have only 3 weeks to settle it down, and its on Bulan Ramadhan preparation! Could you imagine?Nak cari barang merata-rata, waktu bulan ramadhan sangat mencabar hokey...I am not joking. Bile mana hendak mencari baju (yang aku rasa sampai sekarang rasa ralat~ phewww) di Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman pada panas terik,dengan orang yang sangat ramai, you can't even focus on that whereas dah nak dekat raya,so baju raya pon takde lagi, and eventually.. There you go.. A baju yang for me its quite satisfied with those colors and design. At last..

Enough of that. Now talking bout my Wedding day. Its going to be this coming November, INSYAALLAH..... (ya allah, i pray for that.. T_T). And until now, aku pun tak tahu ape yang aku dah prepare. Whhoaa...?? Like seriously? Yes. Too bad when you have no experience on this (OF COURSE!) and dont know how to start.

I've been spoke and chat with my friend's list on my FB and most of them pun nak buat tarikh yang sama dengan aku. Well, it does'nt matter lah because im still getting married if they were'nt there. But,the problem occurs when it comes to the package and all sort of andaman sume bagai. My hometown is too tiny too compare to this Shah Alam where the markets are among those yang memang dah ade bisnes tersebut, and jangan terkejut if you might wearing the same dresses your friends posted on FB on their wedding day! Its not cool. Its not cool where you use the same photographer with your neighbor did for their last year wedding day and the photos are quite the same. Same location for outdoor shooting. Same angle. And same touch up! Luckily its not the same Husband/Wife!

I've been through the experience whereas my friends wearing the same color dress and design for her wedding exactly like the others when she found it out on FB. FaceBook are not being nice to people,nowadays!!

For some reason, kita rasa biarlah semua tu untuk kepuasan hati kita sendiri.And most important,mengikut kemampuan. So,di sini, I take this opportunity untuk meminta sapa-sapa yang baik hati lagi generous plus budiman dan hartawan serta dermawan untuk menaja perkahwinan saya! Hahahahahhaah............

Kau ingat kau artis??

And, I pray for that. Untuk di mudahkan segala jalan.. Insyaallah...

p/s: Ade sapa-sapa nak suggest ke which boutique/photographer yang so okey...? Huuu


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

hikayat 217 - The Sharp Knife. The Short Life.

The Band Perry

If I Die Young~

If I die young, bury me in satin

Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh, uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother
She’ll know I’m safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain’t always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain’t even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had, just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had, just enough time

And I’ll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I’m as green as the ring on my little, cold finger, I’ve
Never known the lovin’ of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand, there’s a
Boy here in town says he’ll, love my forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had, just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I’ll sell them for a dollar
They’re worth so much more after I’m a goner
And maybe then you’ll hear the words I been singin’
Funny when your dead how people start listenin’

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh (uh, oh)
The ballad of a dove (uh, oh)
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep ‘em in your pocket
Save them for a time when your really gonna need them, oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I’ve had, just enough time

So put on your best boys and I’ll wear my pearls

Thursday, February 9, 2012

hikayat 216 - Can't Promise For Tomorrow

Sometime, you just have to spill it out loud. Spill it. And sometime, you need a shoulder to lean on, and sometime, you dont even need anybody as you can make your own decision without being affected by anyone.

Well said. Hidup ini tak la selalu cerah, dan yang gelap tak lah selalu gelap. Likewise ape yang kite buat kat orang, will return to us bile Allah dah cakap Kun Faya Kun~.

Maybe im not a good listener. Neither a storyteller. Life have full of surprised! Bila hari ni kita cakap lain, esok lain pulak jadinya. Sebabnya kita hanya merancang,yang tentukan Dia~.

Bila rasa diri kita ni macam terlalu kerdil, masalah yang kecik pon dianggap besar..Begitulah sebaliknya. Jangan rasa yang diri ni terlalu besar hinggakan nak memberi sedekah secebis senyuman pun payah..Hidup umpama jalan menongkat langit!

Esok hari yang akan datang. Hari ini, hari yang telah pulang. Tak tahu apa akan menanti esok..

As,am always pray for my life,will get better,and better.. :)


Friday, February 3, 2012

hikayat 215 - Flydayssss Bebeh~


2. Just a simple snap on the car,my way to Malacca Historical City. Been there on last year, with AG and Nana menuju ke Bandar Melaka, nak jenjalan and masa tu adalah Hari Raya Puasa yang ke 3 if i not mistaken.

When we was on the car right there, we were so excited like macam tak pernah pergi melaka padahal selalu je. Yela, who does'nt sebab tengok keindahan bangunan-bangunan kat sana yang almost centuries die nye nilai, likewise Afamosa tu..

And tetibe ternampak deretan kedai tu, dengan signboard macam tu..? Macam nak pecah perut ketawa. I did,posted this on my Facebook. But, I dont know.. When you look at this, I Hope this will make your day,guys. As mine...theheheheehe......... :


Thursday, February 2, 2012

hikayat 214 - Dua Insan~

Dear Readers,

Just a jiwang line yang masuk so,im not sure what does this song means about but.. I just love Ella. The way she are... Even until now, kenapa muka dia tak makan dek usia...? Why oh Why....


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hooked on to 9GAG? Reddit? Check out #ChurpChurp! U're gonna be hooked on d stories we have!

Hooked on to 9GAG? Reddit? Check out #ChurpChurp! U're gonna be hooked on d stories we have!

hikayat 213 - Forgive and Forget.

resources : gOOgle image

well, it is clearly known that when you lie, its hurt you forever.

Forgetting is hard. But it please and calm you like, forever.


hikayat 212 - New Year, New Post, New Resolution, New Life

I know its been awhile that im not posting anything about my life these few months, in addition about new year. I mean, this new year 2012. Duh~ I know its kinda lame to post about but sometime i let it deep down in my heart. Idea tu memang ada, but the thing is sometime i have to put it aside as ''..biarlah, nanti-nanti la post..' so it is delayed as my memory is in low low low condition. Bukan macam komputer yang bole di retrieve balik, but then its okay.

Enough of that. For me, new resolution this year brings me to some kind of situation where as I have to struggle out and being beyond my capabilities to work work work damn hard to kumpul duit! Yes! I have to saving, I have to be so cermat berbelanja so at the end of it im not regretting for the whole life sebab tak bekerja keras and tak berjimat cermat, you got what i mean.

Tahun ni sangat mencabar okey! Terrrsangat! Because, as I am engaged last September, this year is super huge responsibility upon my wedding ceremony. I know, I know. Semua orang cakap ''Alah, buat biasa-biasa je. Tak yah buat besar2..". Tak kurang jugak, buat mane yang termampu je, tapi jangan la simple sangat sampai kenduri pon takde.. Ok,I appreciated those advises and opinion. Thank you so much as only God boleh membalasnye.

For me, biar simple asalkan it will looks gorgeous and sweet. Mind my words there, gorgeous and sweet. Simple? Yes, as simple as i am afford to, bukan takde kenduri lansung hokey....And gorgeous and sweet? Yup, because I want to keep those memory of mine last forever. Gorgeous tu takdelah sampai make up macam sakai je,sebab tu disertakan the word Sweet. Hew hew hew...

Well, I pray for that. Pray for everything will get smoot, as smooth as I finally can take a breath and say Alhamdulillah.. Whatever it is, lets Allah swt tentukan segalanya, Insyaallah..We human hanya merancang. Its not like kita tak bole nak buat pilihan, but the end of it we live with the choice we have made. And its clear...

Owh, for those yang akan melansungkan perkahwinan, I wish congratulation. Bahahahahaha... Like seriously, aku pon seriauuu jugak hokey... Ngeee~~
