hummm..damn! damn! damn..! fuhhh...i've had enough... takde...punye la semangat my colleagues changed their clothes...adoiii.....
and the damn reason would be...
***Office, Blok 23***
4.40pm,Friday 15th May 2009
nazs : " eh, dah dah..go and's 4.45 pm now.."me : " ek..??? not yet's only, you turun court ptg ni..? no wonder you're wearing a t's...hehehe
****Court Bola Tampar...****
nasz : "eh, bola mane...??" [curious btol die, coz this is his 2nd time die turun court, aku baru je sampai ni haa...]
sayfooL : "td mijam dah bg abg.ranjeet la..." [dengan condifent (confident) nye die jwb..]
aaii, why is everbody laying back jew...enak btol, bawah pokok mangga yang tak penah berbuah tu...huh...
me : "guys, mane nye..? bola mane..?? "
[me, dengan muka tak bersalah tanye la..ehem, tak sabar coz ptg ni mesti meriah, team ramai turun...heheh..]
and nazs was asking me back, bout the ball....haila, sana bola..sini bola...Bola nye mane..??
and i was like, owhkay...i think i knew it...d***!
me : "sayFooL, mesti ko tak bawak kuar dr keta mizam kan..? kan..? kan..?? ishh....abessssss....[mr.ranjeet are talking with mizam on phone at the same time, wonder what would he naged around...i knew it...hmmm...]
mr.ranjeet : " hah, jom balik..mizam ckp bola dlm keta die, die otw g kL, mlm ni g terengganu...balik je laa..."he, what..???!!&%$
duh,and WE again...? sigh...arhhh...frust btol...punye la bersungguh siap tadi...
nazs : "ala, tak suke la camni...menci nye...!!.." [see, tanduk dh kuar tuh....adooiiyaii...]sayFooL, kak rOy, kak Yus, mR. cekgu, mr. mung, Wak jas, nAzs, and ME, myself...adalah mangsa keadaan yang tak berapa nak Best tuh + fRusT the end, we all end up JoGging....boleh la....pusing2 ofice je...
dah la...malas nk pkir lagi...
because, the rest was a history on Friday 15th..
p/s : but , what makes me sO berkira is, my collestrol are high enough...huu...huu.....
and one more thing, waitin' for this coming Sunday, going to KLIA, fetching somebody.....hahahaha....