|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Friday, May 29, 2009

di tengahari Jumaat yang Mulia...


di tengahari jumaat yang mulia lagi suci ni, mesti jejaka @ lelaki akan mengerjakan solat Jumaat.tapi penah korang pikir ape pulak org perempuan a.k.a wanita pegi lunch hour stiap Jumaat..?tak penah?tanak amik tau?tak kesah?huaaa hua hua...macam aku la..lunch hour on Friday lak from 1230pm till 1445pm..!damn!giler lame kn?kan?sile jangan jeles kpd sesape yg rehat cume 1jam tuh.(arap2 anda terus tabah!)

aku g bank jap ngn Cik 301,bank in duet & setelkan ape2 yg patot (aku tanak bgtau di sini, nnt korang tau plak) hua hua ..cm bese, org kt bank ni agak slow wt kije kalo tengahari cani,die jeles kot sbb takleh rest smpai 2jam,cam kitorang.(aku da pesan,sile jgn jeles,harap anda terus tabah!)

pastu g makan ngn MeruBoy,Mdm Tina & Cik 301.biase la,masa mmg jeles sbb tgk2 jam da kul 1420.aku ingat nk pegi tgk kain jap kt nagoya,tp masa dh time!then g la kedai buah nk bli ala2 desert kunun.haih~!terserempak ngan natang ni..cane die leh tlepas nih..?hepp.??!

shian die..jalan sensowang.aku n Cik301 pun dengan baek hati bergambar dgn die.alah,kenang kenangan le katakan.wt souvenir.. tapi MeruBoy takut ak nk tengok natnag ni,kate nye nanti malam die ngigau..hua hua hua..wt lawak anzing kurap laks!opps!

(Cik Kuna & Cik 301 sedang memposing dengan En.Kiwi..hik hik hik..)

and the rest was a history ~...

nota jari kaki: i hope tonite, my sleep wont being disturb by any nigtmares..i hate nigtmares! yikess...!

"..its friday ya'all.."


hah...mesti korang ckp nape aku suke friday kan? kan ? sbb dlm blog haku ni, dah 2 kali Jumaat aku buat entry..(bak kate rakan aku, Cik Oyah, 3 kali Jumaat lagi, jalan le..) ...Uish, mintak simpang.aku tak puas lagi menikmati idup ni walo pun idup ni tak la seindah yang kite slalu mimpikan.ok,aku tipu.kdang2 indah jugak..haih~

nape tiap jumaat je,jari aku berkobar kobar nk menaip n nk bubuh entry dlm blog ni..?sbb aku pun tataw.sbb esok cuti kot.mane ade kot kot,mmg cute ape.tp aku kene travel jugak.(haila..Cik Oyah,aku dtg ok, jgn riso,kang sape nk touch up ko kalo tak Cik Kuna gebu nih..hua hua)..esok dah sabtu,luse ahad,tulat senin..haila~..masa begitu jeles kan..kan..kan..???

ptg ni kt ofis ade buat makan2 a.k.a jamuan la.utk sambutan hari lahir staff.huh, and again, the situation envy me because besday aku jatuh pada bulan paling mulia, Ramadhan.hah, sape yg besday bulan 8,sile jangan perasan di sini sbb besday aku tepat pada hari pertama Ramadhan.ade bran..? huaaa hua hua hua..

ok, time to fill up my stomach + tambah lemak + kalori sbb jamuan tu will begin shortly..anyway anyhow, i sempat jgk snap a few gambar Kek utk ari jadi diorang ni..whatever, aku ngap je jap lagi...huaa hua hua hua...

(kek stoberi.nmpak agak delicious...nampak je ok.di ulangi, nmpak aje.sbb blom rase lgi..haih..~)

nota ibu jari kaki: and the rest is'nt the history...yet to be...heheheheehe...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"..pengubat MIGRAIN.."


dan kala ini...(bkn kala ini je, dah 3 hari dah..) kepala aku sakit lagi..hailla....nak kate tak cukup oxigen, smalam smpai tak ckup napas aku main vollevball punye pasal...nak kate tak ckup tidow,owh tidak..tidur ku tak di ganggu pun..walaupun ramai sedara mara yang skolah pagi2 kt umah aku tu..ok, kire sedara la jugak kan..kate satu bumbung...

dan kala ini..ape yang menjadi rakan aku..internet ni la..free ok. di ulangi..free...lagi sekali, free...sbb ape? hah..sbb ia nya free la..ok, aku tipu...sbb ni kt ofis..adoyaiii...(oppsiee, sowy bosh..ehee..)

dan kala ini..pengubat aku adalah sesuatu yang boleh di makan..hah, ni la die...

dan di kala ini....dah malas nk tulis lagi....sbb kepala ni tengah ting tong tahap planet zargus..!

p/s : nak tido je la rase nye...adoyaaiii....

:: ape ade hal..part III ::


dah.takde ape dah nk tulis.dah malas nk cakap.dah malas la nk pkir.dah malas nk buat ape2 pun.boleh tak??

riang ke hati aku ni bile menanti hujung minggu ini, iaitu 31 Mei 2009..?riang ke hati aku bile memikirkan bahawa rakan seperjuangan + sepermainan + rakan sepernakalan + rakan seperkepalaan + rakan sepinggan + rakan semangkuk + rakan sebantal ..ok dah, lagi banyak aku membebel nanti..akan memulakan hari beliau pada 1 Jun 2009 sebagai Tunangan Orang..

sambung balik, riang hati aku bile pikir sume di atas? di ulangi, sume di atas..?

tunggu la minggu depan, baru tau riang ke tak riang.la la la la la......

p/s : dan sebenarnya ku mengharapkan di sebalik senyuman mu itu,kau juga merindui aku..(Yuna - Dan Sebenarnya)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

:: ape ade hal.. part II::


sO, this time around, i put a photos of (ini bukan tarikh pada aku menulis blog ni..it was My 26 2009) whenever 4 Ladies, went out for a piece' of DoNut...and the tArget would defenitely be...BIG APPLE...what a lovely evening ya'all..ahakss...

acTually, these was before they (Mdm.Tina, Cik 301 and PrincessCharming) heading back to their office on 2000 pm..ade meeting kate nye...aku pun ikut je la...hua hua hua...maleh la nk taip2 lagi...tunjuk je la gambo nih....

(pose dulu seblom pilih dedonuts...huhuh....)

(The Big Apple Crew....)

(hmm...i dont remember the name of this Donut...heheh )

(hah..yang ni pun tak tau name ape...hmm..)

(this is Durian Duren..sumthin' like that...Mdm.Tina picked this one..heheh)

(ahuh...this would be my one of a kind favourite, Merry Cherry...ehee..i've picked this one oso..Luvly..huhuhu)

Dan, begitulah seadanya.....bila wanita-wanita berhati waja ni outing like the shopping mall tu diorang yang punye..sbb ape..?? haa..sbb ni la...korang tgk...huhuh...

(sesi mencoba coba [bukan Faizal Tahir ok..]...)

and luCkily, akak kt kedai tu tak buat muke, kalo tak haku diorg ni tade nye brani2 nk cuba2 tudung2 tu sume...but anyway anyhow, kitorang enjoy, even it was just bout 1 and 1/2 hours chill..hehehehe...

p/s : dah kenyang makan dounut and minum coffee...credits and lotsa thanks to Mdm.Tina...heheh..

Monday, May 25, 2009

:: ape ade hal.. part i ::


ape de hal..i dont know what am i going to nagggin' bout....emm...no idea at the moment...esok la...infact, lotsa thing i have to think of...and one of'em is....wanna buy new closet..hahahah....

adooyaii....rabak la akaun bulan ni..coz my money flows just like water..never end babe..!!

yikess...!! nk usha some sandals or shoes perhaps.....esok tak tau akan menjadi indah atau tak..sebab everythings has totally change.....damn!! s***!!

May 25, 2009
1754 pm

pst: jiwa aku mmg tengah kacau skang ni....haila.....

Friday, May 22, 2009

:: Lara Hati ::


May 22nd, 2009

hari ni, my boss takde...book off....ape lagi...yeaaayyy..!!! hahahah...gosh! that sounds like im damn happy for it...hmm...yah, sape yang tak happy..? i'm happy...damn happy..(am i...??)..

again, i pretend to be....

enough of that sO~pathetice situation i've been through these past 4 days...yes,its 4 days off..calling it an ego~maniac kinda...but im just let myself absorb the situation itself turns into mOre relevant on how im handling my feelings...it's damn hard.....i do think bout it, i do.....

i used to think osso, how am i going to get through my life...without that one~of~a~kind sensation i have ever had....again, its damn hard....

owhkay, enough said...because the rest was a history.....yet, im so boring today...haila....ape de hal....huhuh...

p/s : rase macam nk tido ..tapi takut terlena smpai mlm...hehehehe..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

:: 08.30 am untill 12.50 pm..penantian satu siksa..::

12.50 tengahari....baru lah Internet kt ofis ni boleh di 'akses' dengan jaya nya...Credit to those who tryin' to think damn hard how to solve the prob...because its none of my business..hahahah....

and LUckily ...i manage to 'akses' intarnet nih...nape..?? sbb nye adalah.. :

~ ianya free

~ianya free

~ianya free

dey...bape byk free daa....anyway anyhow, it was'nt FREE tu yang i dok hadap kan...but the environment kat ofis ni that needed me to have an Internet...

sebab hari ini jiwa terasa sangat terusik..tersentap..tersentuh..terkacau..tergulana...tersuging...terkhayal...
dan bermacam macam "ter..." lagik yang boleh menyebabkan esofagus tu membengkak sbb menahan kesebakan tangis dalam hati....waaa.........

and the rest was a history ~~........

p/s : if this situation will stay longer than i ever get through....then..im off.....enough said.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Bila suami balik kerja, isterinya suruh ke pasaraya untuk membeli barang-barang dapur. Jadi pergilah si suami membeli semua barang- barang yang dipesan.

Bila pulang ke rumah, isterinya mengambil beg-beg plastik dan membawa keluar semua barang untuk disimpan. Isteri terjumpalah satu tin marjerin. Di luar tin tu ada tulis ... FREE...

Isteri tanya si suami, mana benda yang 'FREE' ini? Kenapa tak ambil? Suami katalah lupa hendak meminta benda itu tadi. Maka isterinya pun menyuruh suami pergi semula ke pasaraya tersebut untuk menebus benda 'FREE' itu.

Suami pun pergilah membawa tin planta tadi jumpa jurujual untuk menebus benda 'FREE' yang tertulis.

Bertengkarlah suami tadi dengan jurujual terbabit. Jurujual itu kata benda 'FREE' itu ada dalam tin. Suami kata mana boleh, dalam mesti tak ada punya.Dia terus meminta dari jurujual.

Penyelia yang kebetulan lalu di situ dan terdengar pertengkaran mereka. Apabila ditanya, dia pula dimarahi oleh si suami tadi. Si suami berkenaan minta juga benda 'FREE' dari penyelia itu. Suami tadi tunjuk tin planta yang ada bertulis 'FREE' itu.

Supervisor tadi belek kanan belek kiri tin planta tersebut. Dia membaca tulisan berbahasa Inggeris itu ..CHOLESTEROL FREE...!!

p/s : hmmm...begitu lah seadanya....sape yang tak suke barang FREE...???

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

:: f****** Lonely...!! ::

YM status for today.. :: F*****G LONELY ::

ramai jugak la yg tegor..nape....?? kenape....? lonely kew..?? leh caye ke..??

hmm..dah tu..what more should i say...or should i say.." yeay..."?? mybe "hooraayy..." or perhaps " woohoooo..."...???

entah la...tak tau lg nk ckp ape....nak pikir pn kepala dah tepu ~ mengalahkan natrium karbonat utk buat kek tuh....ape ade hal....hmm..

May 19, 2009
1749 pm

p/s : nak balik and tido...withou thnikin' of anything that makes my head goin' to blow up!

"..free ADVICE + free HEARTBROKEN.."

today, i've being brainwash a.k.a "basuh hotak" from my collegues...hahahaha..and the damn + stupid question would be..saving a money....

situasi 1:

May 19th, 2009

"Ala cu ane...cane ni..kite nk saving la..huhuhu...."

"Eh, ko dengar ni, time ni la ko nak saving...nnt bile dah kawin, baru la terhegeh-hegeh pikir pasal saving..time tu tak gune dah...ko dh branak pinak (ok, stop..bile lak aku nk kawin ni..??) baru ko tau...duit....bla bla bla....money..bla bla bla...fulus..bla bla bla....ringgit...bla bla dan bla lg..."

hmm..it's true i want to spend a li' bit but then...ishhh............entah la...tak tau ape reason yang muna~sabah @ muna~sarawak....ekk...?? ape ek...??

p/s : i am thinkin' of how to "manipulate" or should we say, "monopoly" the money..sumpah! tak tipu kali ni...and ini bukan guna duit Permainan Jutaria tu ok..

:: Hari Chicken Chop Sedunia...??? ::

eyy...bia btol...hari ni dah 4 horang my fren..cakap pasal chicken chop.....pe kes..???

Contoh 1 :

(from ZiLuzra)

9:49 AM : aku tgh rase nk mkn chicken chop jer
9:50 AM : semlm tgk cite matahari 2
9:50 AM : si iqram 2 mkn chicken chop
9:50 AM : hahahahah....

contoh 2:

(from Cik 301)

Cik 301 is busy - hmm rasa2 cam nk makan chicken chop la..huhu (YM status)
11:36 AM : ntah aku tetiba je terasa2 lah.. hehehe...

hmm...arini memang ayam di beri penghormatan ke ape...?? ish...kompius......

(twities Chicken..ain't that bad...huh..???...ahakzzz...)

p/s : di sebabkn my financial yang merudum, usul chicken chop akan di carry foward ke minggu hadapan..hahahahaha...

"..Happy Viewing and Happy Reading.."

waaa....when i looked at the Flag Counter (at the right side of my blog..) i was like..eheee, im questioning myself..." ade jugak org view and read my blog.."...huhuhu...anyway anyhow, Happy Viewing & Happy Reading...and dont hesitate to Shoutouting...eheee...

im kind of a new blogger..(not that kind of blogger apparently..lol..)

not a profesioanal..

neither an amatur...

im a learner...

i love to read..and i love to share...wtf are them thinkin' of when they viewing and critism...i don't even care..this is my blog then..

and hey, enough said....


Miss Kakuna

* have no mOOd and iDea at all....im just sleepy...........hmmm....

(hidung ku sedikit shomot...tapi diri ku tetap putih menawan....woohoo...)

p/s: Am i hiding sumthing..? from Sumbody..? and i wish i could....

"..sadly, i turn into pathetic..."

yesterday...i walked out home to bus pit stop..then i realize...

how Lonely i am...

and i realize....

there's nobody would understand...

hmm..lookin' at the enviroment...envy me...

that i am alone...

memang betul hati ni dah terusik sangat....dah lama...but im just let it be...but then, lately..i feel damn stupid that im just let it be, and not let it out...!!

everyone often said that.." if i could turn back time.."

hmm..no used at all..not even one single minutes....

not even one single second..

p/s: hmm..nape aku tak macam org lain, yg boleh bahagia...???

Monday, May 18, 2009

:: he is making me pissed off...s***..! ::

May 17,2009
Cik Kuna : hello...emm, tgh watpe?
ChocolateMan : hello..umm, tgk tb nih...
Cik Kuna : oo..dh mkn ke? sihat ke? bla ...bla...bla...
ChocolateMan : emm, da..mkn nasi, dh ..bla...
[silent....it's silent....]
Cik Kuna : emm, * wat per tu ..? tgk cite ape..??
ChocolateMan : smallville....
[silent again....hmm....... (0~o).........]
Cik Kuna : Ala...* nape..? owg call ni kan..senyap je....
ChocolateMan : Dah tu, tak payah la call...banyak bunyi plak...
[what...!!???? What The F*** is he saying to me...????!!!.....]
Cik Kuna : ..????
[Cik Kuna pressing the end call button]
and what i went throuhg that time...i was like...owhkay, you say it out...you just said that..and im so damn pissed off!!! and what am i thnkin' was, 'I WANNA KILL YOU....AND YOU GONNA DIE...!!!!...Damn..!!
pissed off/note : and im used to be .....TO GET USED TO IT...like these kind of situation.......hmm...silence is killing me softly.....

:: it's Monday..and im in bLoom..humm..::

May 17th, 2009
Kuala Lumpur International Airport
International Arrival...


[hinf..hinf....kembang kempis hidung ku dgn semangat nye tunggu mamat Hungary ni..mane ntah...arrival time would be 19.10..umm...mybe 19.30 kot, after checking...owhkay...bout 15mins...jap2 lagi smpai la kot..]

15mins later...

[mane nih...adoyyaii...(sambil menekup mulut & hidung ku dgn handkerchief....)..lambat lgi ke...]


[umm...where should i go and seat?? ishh..kang mamat tu smpai tak nmpak lak name die...owhkay la..i just standing here, waiting for'im...]

1/2hours later...

[adoii.....naek kejang dh my leg nih..mane tak smpai2 lg....ape, ingt haku suke ke tunggu cenggini...? dh la all the peoples who went out from the arrival tu pakai mask...ish, takut gak...]

(sepi sebuah lapangan terbang...tak meriah lansung.....)


[hmmm....its more than an hour....im just standing here, holding the paper....aiyoo..and the person did'nt turn out...]


Mr.Balazs : Excuse me, Excuse me....

[eh, sape lak nih...me dengan muke toya lemak je aku pandang, tade prasaan..]

Cik Kuna : Eh..?? Mr. Balazs...? im so sorry...i was waitin' for you...where have you been..?

Mr. Balazs : Oh, sorry, i was looking for Mr. Azmi, but i did'nt see him. then i saw you holding
my name here, i was in on the other side..."

[hahaha..no wonder la...aiseh....mamat nih...]

(other side yg di maksudkan mamat Hungary tuh...)

Cik Kuna : I see...well, Mr. Azmi cannot make it here, he went out for an outstation. but tommorow you'll meet him. and hey, how come your flight was late?

Mr. Balazs : Sorry, there was a big storm at Bangkok, so its was delayed for a moment. ya'

Cik Kuna : I see, no wonder..Ok then, shall we..? i'll send you to the hotel straigth away...

Mr. Balazs : Oh,that would be my pleasure, thank you very much..

[and at last....hmmm..btol la, penantian itu satu siksa....huhuh...and i found that, yikess..! its 21.30pm..!! gosh...i've been standing der, for 1 1/2 hours...!! gosh...!!!]

nota kaki : and i've meet someone there, wich i damn recognize him...wtf???? i've call Cik Oyah...heheheh..

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"..it's called FATE.."

umm..today...im going to KLIA...fetching a suppllier from Hungary.[err, Hungary kat celah mane..? hua hua hua..]...but, what im worried about is..we all Malaysian are damn~well known bout the H1N1 tuh...and Malaysian itself had developed a center for a precaution at KLIA....
Infact, this Virus pun dah menular dengan jaya nya kat Malaysia nih....adesss...Tahniah H1N1...~!![huh..sesedap oren je nk menular ek. siap ko..!!]..
tu ar...dah kate pegi KLIA...dah kate KLIA lak tempat loading orang dari seluruh negara....abes, what to do...humm...if it was'nt all the officers at my department went out for outstation, and i would'nt be the "pegawai + mangsa keadaan" to fetch the supplier, name Mr. Balasz Szamody...
hailaaa...nasib baek la Mr. Balazs tu comey + enCem + Cute...wakakakak....i love his eyes....woohhooo...[he been here on last 2007..] ehee....
Cik Kuna: " ala... En. Wan, sape yang nak pegi fetch Balazs tuh..?? tade orang kew..?? " [ me, asking dengan gaya simpati nye..huh..]
En. Wan : " Abis, sape nk pegi, smua org pegi Melaka.. you just go la...boleh jumpe Balasz tu..." [ ceh, sengih kerang busuk pulak ....aku la....]

Cik Kuna : " what..??!%&...mE..?? hummm... yew la.... [ coz i'd confirm with Admin Dept, seorang officer mesti ikut..and the damn reason would be, " klw kene saman camne..?? parking takde dek oii..."..]

mak....!!!!!! Waaa......='(

p/s : dengan hati pasrah dan redha, i will be going................tolong sesape halang....ngeeee....! =p...dh bagtau ChocolateMan mlm td....and his ans. " emm, pegi la...ZZzzzz.."....die tido..!! arghhh....

Friday, May 15, 2009

"..the FruStraTed daY...eVer.." d***!

hummm..damn! damn! damn..! fuhhh...i've had enough...
today...game takde...punye la semangat my colleagues changed their clothes...adoiii.....
and the damn reason would be...
***Office, Blok 23***
4.40pm,Friday 15th May 2009

nazs : " eh, dah dah..go and change...it's 4.45 pm now.."
me : " ek..??? not yet la...it's only 4.30...eh, you turun court ptg ni..? no wonder you're wearing a t's...hehehe

****Court Bola Tampar...****

nasz : "eh, bola mane...??" [curious btol die, coz this is his 2nd time die turun court, aku baru je sampai ni haa...]

sayfooL : "td mijam dah bg abg.ranjeet la..." [dengan condifent (confident) nye die jwb..]

aaii, why is everbody laying back jew...enak btol, bawah pokok mangga yang tak penah berbuah tu...huh...

me : "guys, mane nye..? bola mane..?? "
[me, dengan muka tak bersalah tanye la..ehem, tak sabar coz ptg ni mesti meriah, team ramai turun...heheh..]
and nazs was asking me back, bout the ball....haila, sana bola..sini bola...Bola nye mane..??
and i was like, owhkay...i think i knew it...d***!

me : "sayFooL, mesti ko tak bawak kuar dr keta mizam kan..? kan..? kan..?? ishh....abessssss....

[mr.ranjeet are talking with mizam on phone at the same time, wonder what would he naged around...i knew it...hmmm...]

mr.ranjeet : " hah, jom balik..mizam ckp bola dlm keta die, die otw g kL, mlm ni g terengganu...balik je laa..."

he, what..???!!&%$
duh,and WE again...? sigh...arhhh...frust btol...punye la bersungguh siap tadi...

nazs : "ala, tak suke la camni...menci nye...!!.." [see, tanduk dh kuar tuh....adooiiyaii...]

sayFooL, kak rOy, kak Yus, mR. cekgu, mr. mung, Wak jas, nAzs, and ME, myself...adalah mangsa keadaan yang tak berapa nak Best tuh + fRusT gilEr....hmm...at the end, we all end up JoGging....boleh la....pusing2 ofice je...
dah la...malas nk pkir lagi...
because, the rest was a history on Friday 15th..

p/s : but , what makes me sO berkira is, my collestrol are high enough...huu...huu.....
and one more thing, waitin' for this coming Sunday, going to KLIA, fetching somebody.....hahahaha....

wOhoOOO...it's time for VolleyBall again...!!

  • yes...! it's time for volleyball again...and hari ni i terasa begitu bersemangat utk turun ke court Volleyball..ehee...
  • umm...this time, i dont have any picture yet...but, i'll try to snap it this evening....eheee...see, how enthusiastic i am...ha ha ha....what am i naggin' around nih...adoyaii...
  • anyway anyhow, tmorow is Saturday, then come for Sunday....i called it time to hibernate...! hua hua hua....wonder why? because time ni aje la yg dpt nk topup waktu tidur yg sering terganggu along the week...ngaaaa....heaven...! kire nye jihad underground la ni beb..eheee..

  • and the rest was a history...........

p/s : hmm, wonder what chocolateMan's activity this week....missing him damn much....huhuh...

"..is It mIne oR oThers..??..."

  • hmm....this pic, there's only ONE person know, where would that be.....hehehe....mY~sO~caLLed~PartneR-in-NottY....hahahaaha....Cik Oya, bE ma guEst to guEss...ahaksss.....

  • tataw nape nak letak this pic..actually, pic ni pn tak la lame sgt, bout 3 @ 4 months ago....

  • buT whaT makEs me wAnna puT this piC is, my ex~roomate used to asked.."..gaya nih, kepala Lutut sendiri kew, tumpang kepala Lutut org..?..hua hua hua....

  • aLah..it does'nt maTTer la..Kepala Lutut saPe..janjI leh posing...hua hua hua...

  • what do You think, guys..???

p/s: Let it be a secret....between You and ME

IndIe BanD + mUsiC + TaLenT + r*****..??

WoOo....ok then, im not being so prejudice + -Ve towards all the indie band, here in Malaysia...as for Myself, ma Opinion and Ma thInkin...i tak la so~called oBseSsed towards these kind of muSic...bukan tak nak SokOng induStri Malaysia ni, but it just the MusiC Sometime [not all of'em..] did'nt suit me well....haila....what to do..? mY soUL don't belong to these kind of stuff.....huhuh...

But Anyway
cRedit to thoSe
wHo manage to bringing uP the IndiE muSic as thEy are
NOW CoQuering tHe inDustry
[part of'em la...not most of em]...e.g.
MUH, HUJAN, OAG, THE COUPLE, LOVE ME BUTCH, BITTERSWEET, BUNKFACE, ONE BUCK SHORT, and mY fAverEt ever would be THE BUTTERFINGERS...eheee...but hey, mosT mALaysian alReady can accept these kind of Music, are't they...?? hehehe..mE...?? bukan tak leh masuk lansung, but there are certain sOng will do...

AND, artiSt themselve have to Show good attitude + performance + Good TalenT + energy & dEsire = the OutcomE....???hey, album pun Laku maa....hahaha..naahh, koRang pun buleh pkir sendiri kan..?? eheee....but the truth is, "...LocAl muSic ain't that bad..."

As fOr me...layan jugak...as stated above, The Butterfingers's songs soothing my ears damn Well...eXpecialy and the mOst and No oThers ~ The ChemiStry ~....hailaaa.. this song realy penetrating my heart and souL damn weLL...! nICe...~~!!! Love the mUsic, the guitar strumming, the tonality, the bAss...o'll of em...mAn..!! enough said.....im off ....huhuh.....

tapI sekArang ni, im intO ~YUNA~, the female Idie artist + student + cOOLesT + seMpoi + sLumber + pandai mAin gItar + cOOLest Song = IMPRESSIVE.. eheee.....sWonok Gak dgr lagu Yuna ni...coz she is female indie artist, so most of her song suit me well....hahahah...hey, only girls know....

p/: eheem, ChocolateMan la yang paling suke bab2 Indie Band ni..hailaaa...me la jadi mangsa utk download + supply those songs to him..heheh...ape ade hal..??! Layan kan aje....

"..it's Friday ya'all...!!.."

Finally......it's friday today...ahaks....me getting so sleepy and damn borEd after ma boSs were heading to an outstation...ummm...ape yg i nk buat ek..?? keje pn tak la byk sgt..most of'em are routine...biase la...Cik M sangat la besar dlm diri ni....hahaahaah...[i manage to get bored whenever there is no task at all...]....

today, ChocolateMan takde plak msg me...yesterday, he went back to his hometown, saying that he left his clothes, but i was like..owhkay, it's up to you....then i asked him to send me a topup no., to call ma mum as a reason to...and, he did gave it to me...CrediT to Him coZ LovE me aS i aM..ahaks......yo'know...ain't do any crime, ain't mess with nobody...heheheh...

Speaking bout ChocolateMan were never ends...hahaha...entah la...as he is one of my so~called~inspiration + dream cum Beloved a.k.a Mr. Right [he is..?? not sure yet..oopsiiie....=P], im just letting myself drown into the fantasy...i've drawed my story the best that i've ever did before...[well, experience learnt a lesson,but i failed to let it down...]..

owhkay...im off it...i just dont wanna talk bout this....because the rest was a history....
p/s: hmm..is it me or the world itself getting down..?? if it was'nt the world, then im not going to blame nobody...huhuh....

Thursday, May 14, 2009


[ neither me nor you guys, going to try this....one of my friend emailed me, this vacant...and im not sure..for further info, click the pic..]

"..Happy Viewing.."

Happy viewing....this quote is for myself, as i am viewing the blogs....my frenz..Cik Mawar..hik hik hik...Cik Mawar, tenkiu sesangat coz sudi meletakkan pic my dress tuh....ngeee..terharu coz she told that she worked very hard to finish the "so~called needlework tu"...waa..im so impressed that she manage to finish it..! glamour jgk la my dress tu, and im very satisfied...

well, mmg i dah start to hire her mom to do the dress~work..and for her, i gave my 'creditworthy' utk jahit manik as an acecories+glamourous look...ahakss...[i loved being glamour...*wink*]...and the result would be as below...the rest, boleh la tgk kat blog Cik Mawar...ehee...

To Cik Mawar...thank you coz sudi menyiapkan baju shaye tuh...and shaye shangat la suke baju yg dah siap di jahit tu....i dress to impressed, and credit to her.....bravooo....hooraaayyy...!

p/s : cik mawar, tunggu lah tempahan berikut nye...hik hik hik....la la la...=P

"...hijau nyewwwwwwww....."

fuhh...letih btol...arini 13 mei 2009..wednesday, as usual ade latihan volleyball...about 5.30 pm i went to the court...but hey, where is everybody?? ade pun dua tiga kerat jew...uu, cane nk start game camni..?? lantak la...follow jew...huhuh...

so then, we all start playing, with just bout '7 stars' inside..ha ha ha...could you imagine?? volleyball yang supposed to play bout 12ppls (which mean 2 team) but we manage to play bout 7 peeps?? damn craze..nak kejar bola satu hal..haila....mmg mengah jugak la....hik hik..but finally, it end up well....waa, penat jugak la....sbb a few colleagues tak turun court...mane ntah diorg pegi...huhuh..

then...when i walked to bus stop, i went through the Tasik, its a must for me...kire mcm short cut la...hahaha...the view was very nice..beautiful..."sejuk mata memandang"...i just bout the scenery..but the place itself pun ok la jugak because there's a restaurant there, baru je operate, and i think ade recreation spot expecially 'kayak'...

(hahaha..this one i manage to captured on the way to bus pit stop..ehee...)
[sory coz resolution pic ni tak clear..)

and what i notice jugak kat Tasik tu, there are lotsa' birds..mybe baru datang kot...and i think it's "burung jinjang" (yada ....i can't remember the name ..oppsie..=P)..very beautiful...tapi tak smpat nak snap...mybe some other time would be...

bla bla bla bla......i reached my home sweet tiny lil' home...ahakss....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"..and When thE timE is cOming.."

yeah, and when the time is right..i know...mybe all of the people outside...are waiting, is waiting..or perhaps, still waiting....

my so-called-frenz a.k.a "the ex+former+boy once said "..penantian tu satu seksa.."..then i told him.."..and that was makes us grow stronger.."..i mean, hey..com'on..life would'nt be so hard, is'nt it...? and ape la makna kehidupan wihtout a piece of challenges??...well..i put a big question mark there..letting people judge how's life wihtout a challege..

Early in May...im having a chit~chat with my besties...and suddenly she make a shock statement that i thought, owhkay..you're just playing around..hahah..but then, it's shocked me damn well..luckily, im able to sit at this seat...! fuhh..

"..ni, aku ade nk bgtau ko sesuatu nih.."

[well, i thougt it was just bout dragon ball...she always make fun of it.."dragon ball ade 10 bijik sume nye...hahahaha.."..(^0^)...oyah, u never change!!]

"..haa, ape die...aku pn ade sesuatu nk bgtau ni.."

[actually, i was just playing fool, coz i dont have any idea...ape lg i nk kelentong minah ni...coz everytime, she manage to trace it..damn!]

"..hmm..cani, hujung bulan ni aku nk bertunang.."

" you what..???!!&%.. are you serious...? don't make fool of me, you know.."
[i was like...gosh..!and by that time, all of our memories whirled around my "memory lane" column...byk persoalan yg intruded in my mind..sangat banyak..!!]
and Im facing the reality...my frenz getting enggage, getting married later on..and the reality is, im still alone....
owhkay...im fine with it...

So, the conversation was only about the story behind the engagement~planning~event....as her besties, i always pray for her best, her happiness and her divine....

And now, when the time is coming, and when the time is right... do we afford to prevent it? or avoid it of happen??
neither me, nor somebody ells out there cant help it...
it's just yourself..
p/s: im taking a leave for her coming event...hehehehehe....

tHe hOt wEatHer maKes mE hOtttttttt....!!!!

hmmm..well....arini cuaca macam sebelum2 nye...so damn hot...but, fortunately..hey, i still alive then....eheee...

as usual...i woke up in the morning..but pagi ni mmg panas btol (and ol' those days pun panas jgk..~~~)....hmm...i used to ask one of my collegues..and apparently, one of her ans. bring me back to earth....yeah...(dan sesungguhnya, i ni mmg la alpa kadang tu...ehee..)

back to the hikayat...pagi ni jalan raya pn agak sibuk..hmm, sh alam..mane penah tak sibuk...tp tak la sesibuk ibu kota kolumpo...huhu..

while waiting for the bus, i've got a message from my partner in crime (used to be..one of those old days..hahaha)..early in the mornin'?? you've gotta be kidding me NooRziTa..hehehe...

salam my lovely daisy...pe kabar..??

erk...?? gosh...ape la mimpi die msg aku pepagi nih..ehee...

wsalam my dear Henry...im doin' just fine babe..whats up?? ape mimpi mu di pagi ini message daku ni..? huhu....im waitin' for the bus dear, mcm ****! bus pun tade, ade pn tanak benti sbb penuh..**** btol...!

hahahaahah...mesti die baca message i dengan pnuh kesabaran...die tanye sket je, berjela-jela lak i replied..hailaa....~~

you'll always be my lovely daisy that i ever known..itu yg buat i suke kwn ngn u..straight to the point..! saje je message..nk online tak dpt..hehe..sabor yea...=P..

umm...ye la henry..im trying to be patient la ni, if i did'nt, then i'll go and bomb all the buses! man..!!

haha..i never change, this is just me then..nape u tak online?? im on my way to my office, we'll chat in 15 minutes?? credit are running low babe..

emm, it's ok then..hey, fyi, my salary left bout rm11! do you have any idea where i should go and rob?? hahahah..i akan usahakn to get my own laptop, would be easier for us to online kan..ok la babe, take care..=P..

erkk..?? just like that...hahaahah...well, i knew her well...boring la tuh..hmm..and i reached my office sharp 8.30! yikess!!...my boss oredy in....

hummm...and my day will be just the same ol' days......~~~~ bla bla bla bla.......