|PemFolow Kelip-Kelip|

Thursday, June 21, 2012

hikayat 242 - Mimpi Biar Sampai Ke Bintang..

Hamikk kauu..Besar gedabak punya gambar macam tengah aim ape ntah dengan meriam tu.hahahah.. :p

They said, Mimpi biar sampai ke bintang. Even the everest nor the kk pun tak lepas lagi. Bukit Broga pun hongeh, ni kan pulak naik tangga tingkat hempat rumah aku pun bile dah naik malas nak turun lagi. Err...Nak sampai Bintang?? 

Well, cut it off. Another post that rasa macam tak ada apa nak cerita instead of meriam kat atas tu. hahaha... okey, semua orang tahu pun tu kat mana. Tak ada motif pun. Eh eh.. Baju tu from The Poplook yang sangat saya suke because its stretch and comfy~ I have bought 2 pieces from 'em and looking forward for moreeee....!! Grrr... 

Till today, misi pencarian paperbag for goodies bag masih belum terlaksana. Aku ade search dekat internet juga the type and criteria yang aku nak, but most of all are from China~ Need to ship that all the way from China, and the price currency is US dollar kauu..... Nah, hamikk!!

Few days back, ade jugak contact the supplier base at China through email and the result is aku terrrrkujattt la kott dengan price die bile dah convert to MYR is bout 1k EXCLUDED shipping and stuff. Damnnn.... Haku nak paper bag warna merah je kowtttt but come in kraft paper... Double damnnnn!! T___T.

And the same time, ade jugak contact dengan one person ni die punye blog tak hingat la pulak... She DIY the paperbag and it takes 1 week for me to wait for the sample and bile dapat je sample tu.. Humm.. Ok lah. So-so tapi material nipis, macam guna kertas A4 warna merah tu (yang striking) tu and and plus, pembuatan die biasa-biasa je.. I just love the red but the thing is cara pembuatan tu pulak. (mungkin in case of emergencies i have to, HAVE TO order jugak lah dengan beliau.. Huuu.. T__T)

Those who know where to find it, pleaseee...kindly email me kakuna_daisy@yahoo.com. Hahahaha..... Seriously this kind of small things pon buleh buat stress kauu.. Sampai boleh bawak gaduh lah. Eh,alamakkk ai.....


Hari Khamis~ I missed my family. My mom, Dad and siblings. Everythings!! -____-


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

hikayat 241 - June! Please Go Slowly ~__~

Eh eh.sekejap je dah bulan June nye pun,aduii....!!! ~__<

Terasa masa sekarang ni cepat sangat berlalu, memang terlalu cemburu. Sekarang ni ada masa lebih kurang 3 bulan sahaja lagi (tolak puasa dan raya) untuk setelkan ape yang perlu di setelkan. Waaarrhhh......

Ape yang aku nak buat ni pun tak tahu. Macam-macam nak kene. Tapi nak start pon tak tahu lagi. Aduii.. 

Eh eh.. Im a Bride to Be yaww~ Ngeee....

Sekian, itu sahaja update!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

hikayat 240 - And if I Could Turn Back Time...

Bila teringatkan kenangan-kenangan dengan kawan-kawan lama, hati ni auto akan jadi sayu. Who's not? Back to memory lane yang sebenarnya banyak mengajar kita erti sebenar kehidupan kita, sekarang ini. Di mana kita berdiri, di mana kita berada.

The memories that i missed the most was back in Jengka. When I was studying and pursuing my Diploma. Kat sana baru lah nak tahu hidup sendiri without parents. New friends, new environment, new stuff. Hahaha.. Kelakar pun ade. Walaupun kehidupan kat sana tak berada, tak mewah, tak meyakinkan kadang-kadang tu, dan tak la macam sesetengah orang yang ade kumpulan-kumpulan sendiri, macam BFF konon kononye tapi I just love the way im are. 

Now. Everybody's are taking their life with their own way. Dan, aku rindu kawan-kawan aku dulu. But now, seems like everybody happy with their own life in building a family. Yes. Family. Own family. I dont know, but things are so different. 

Things that are far away from us, TIME. 

Could we have chance to see our own future? Could we have a chance to create our own future?

And, if i could turn back time....

the steps we left behind, bring us the memories we'll never find....
source : From the Album - Redang Island
credit pic : Cik Azalea


Thursday, May 10, 2012

hikayat 239 - Azfar's Big Day ~

Last Sunday, after class on the morning, siap-siap dengan terkocoh-kocoh nye untuk ke majlis ini. Dah berjanji dengan Cik Oyah, will meet at LRT Sungai Besi as she is with her Hubby and lil Qaireen. Where me with En. Sahlan, yang dah tunggu awal-awal kat bawah. Kah kah kah.. Its typical where i was always late, wherever, whatever and everywhere. 

Dah sampai, Laman Sri Payung, Jalan Ampang-Ulu Klang, near MRR2. Memang sebelah highway MRR2 tu je. Aku pon tak tahu tempat ni, but Cik Oyah said die tahu. Folow jelah...

Merah kauu....

Strike a pose!

Pengantin yanggg.........

Ohmai...... Sangat cantekkkkk...!! T__T berdarah hidung sebab she looks different and so cute!

haippp... mengintai pulaks...

Cik Oyah and lil Qaireen. Sekejap je dah beso. Waiting for second one dalam oven. hehee

Ni farah. Our classmate back in Jengka.
Ni je yang jumpa. Lain-lain tak tahulah...

Eh Eh...??
Eh Eh lagi...??? muehehe

Well,after 8 years of loving diorang eventually getting married. Alhamdulillah, sebab they all ni memang dari Diploma lagi such a loving couple (bukan yang baju merah di atas ye! ) Pengantin ni my best friend back in Jengka, used to be my room mate. Hahahaha.. Kelakar.. But now, semua orang dah kawin.. T____T

My turn..? Soon.... So soon. Insyaallah..... ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

hikayat 238 - Last Weekend. Out and About. And Sweet Little Vacay~

What a weekend~
Well, masa ni (13 - 15 Apr 2012) pergi jenjalan dengan my future family in laws. Everybody was there. From the big bro to the tiny lil one that i had posted on FB. Tak merancang sangat pun nak bercuti dengan mereka, it was last minute plan. And,walahh... Here we are. The chronology, from KL - Bukit Merah Laketown Resort - Cameron Highlands - KL. 

Si penangkap gegambar aku adalah,well, Beliau yang saya upah. Hahaha...En. Sahlan yang agak pro jugak lah kan walaupun kadang-kadang gambar saya yang gemok buleh jadi macam Eh, macam kurus sikit la yangg gambar kat bawah ni kansss?? Tapi jawapan yang di terima agak mengecewakan hati. Alah, sebab pakai seluar wane hitam.. Sobbss...T___T

Gambar ni kat Restoran Jejantas Sungai Buloh. Mentunggu Abang Long En. Sahlan all the way from Kuantan.. Kite srike a pose dulu lah.. WEehuu~..

Bila Abang nya sudah sampai, everybody was likee. WAahhh..Mane Qayyim? Mane Qayyim? Ok,he is Abang Long youngest son,the one and only Putera in their Family. Qayyim ada 3 orang kakak yang .Wooww,somell and active! ;). Will loaded their pic,soon! (cross finger!hahah)

Hew hew hew.. This budak debab sangatttt gerammm okess!! :D

En. Sahlan's sister.
Left : Dak Adik and her Baby, Lil Dhia yang tidoo jeww ;)
Right : Asu and baby Qayyim and sporting! :)

Ok then. Enough. Pastu meneruskan lah perjalanan yang tersangkut tadi. Puk pang pong peng.. Sampai lah jua ke Bukit Merah Laketown Resort. We all stayed at homestay, a semi-D bungalow yang luasss...niceee and and...sunyi kowt? But, ok lah... kalau ramai orang semak sangat kowt..Hew hew...

The next day on Saturday, heading to Waterpark. Strike a pose again,bebeh..!! Yikess~ ;)

The entrance.
Kudos to En. Sahlan~ ;)

 The Souvenirs

Entrance to Orang Utan Island. Tapi tak sempat pegi pun. 
Asik dok berendam main air je.. Hahaha...

Ok,enough at Bukit Merah. The next day on Sunday we all semua siap awal, check out and heading to Cameron Highlands. Naik di Simpang Pulai,and turun di Tapah. Sejuk jugak sebab cuaca mendung. Burrrr~

And there goes the pics during kat sana. Strawberry farm, je tempat di tuju sebab everbodys was exciting to pluck your own strawberries! Damn. Hahah... Here's a little pic tapi im not kinda remember farm ni ape nama tempat nye, but yang aku remember tempat ni naik bukit,and dekat dengan rumah persekutuan. Yes. kat sana. Ape name farm ni, lupa..!!

Lahhh...peace jugak!

 Wuuu..Wuuu... Look at my bunch of strawberries! Pastu makan dengan Heinz Chocolate Sauce, HEAVEN beb...!! 

 Okay, jenis pelahap tak ingat lepas petik terus makan. 
Makan is makan.
Take away is take away. 
We paid!

Orait then, thats it. Ni kire macam bajet ciput nye trip la because half is being sponsored by Abang Long En. Sahlan. Tengggssss....... ;)

Owwhh,lupa lak nak thanks kat beliau sebab sudi mengheret saya ni. Dah la mengheret saya, saya pula upah untuk amik gambar....Auww..Malu lak pulakss.... Hahahahaah.....

Alololooooo....tomeyy nye dengan smurf tu...hew hew hew... ;)
